Two More Old Friends Died

by Undecided 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My wife just walked in from visiting my daughter and said two of my friends from youth had died in the past few weeks, they were brothers. We grew up together as JWs and my daughter married the grandson of their father's sister, that's why she knew of their deaths. No one had let me know so I could have attended their funerals. They were the same age as my brother and I. We had a lot of fun when we were kids, their father died about a year ago. It seems all my old friends are dying. It sort of makes me feel lucky to still be alive and well.

    Ken P.

  • kls

    That is sad undecided and the fact no one told you is very callus but yes you are alive and enjoy every minute of it because for anyone of us it could be any time.

  • blondie

    That is a sign of getting older. More and more people you know are showing up in the obits. In my case, I have noticed how many people in their 50's are dying. Death seemed so far away when we were young and healthy. But as the years pass and time etches aging marks on our faces, death seems so much closer.

    I have heard so many JWs say that they weren't supposed to grow old in this system, that they were supposed to live through the great tribulation never dying. But it is too late to go back and live over their lives; to take back what they squandered thinking that the future held more time for them.

    Do it now, you don't know what tomorrow will bring.


  • talesin

    I remember that you are one of those who stops and enjoys the moment. Thinking of the beautiful photos you have shared of your place, and how you just love your family, and taking life easy. Yes, you are blessed to enjoy life, and I'm glad you have your health. You're not old yet, Ken. ;)

    It's hard to be left out like that. Remembering the joy of your childhood fun together is a good way to honour those old friends.


  • Es

    What ive noticed is the elderly are outliving the younger generation. In the last 3 years or so Ive lost many friends or mothers of friends in there 40\50's whereas both my grandfathers only passed away last year and they were in there 80's. Alot of friends my age dont have mums anymore and its just so sad es

  • LongHairGal
  • LongHairGal

    You all have hit on something. I have noticed a lot of people in the 40-50 age range dying whereas some very senior people in the late 70-80s age range seem to be doing well. Something is not right here.

    I am sure it is not just a case of good genes. There must be some environmental or nutritional factors here that are unknown as of now. Or, it could be a combination of factors. I wonder if it could be a combo of: lack of breastfeeding when in infancy; taking of recreational drugs in youth; trans fats in foods; bad eating habits as adults; smoking cigarettes; more chemicals introduced into the environment in the last two decades or so.

    ? ? ?

  • Charisma

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend as well as hearing you weren't given the opportunity for some closure.

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