Now I'm a total TV junkie. I've got 2 recievers so I can record 2 shows at once. I just set them on a timer and I'm good to go. There's nothing good on daytime TV, so I record a ton of stuff at night to watch the next morning. It's great!! My husband is a bit concerned, because now I'm addicted to night time TV, but I can't help it, there's so much to watch! hg
I've got DVR!!
by heatherg 4 Replies latest jw friends
LOL We are opposites! I sometimes don't turn the tube on for days. There are some good shows on, I just forget when.
I go to school at night so I dont know what Id do without my Tivo. I love it I never have to think about being home to watch my fav shows.
HadEnuf are NOT ALONE. I have a list of shows that I am addicted to and record so I can watch the OTHER shows I'm addicted too. My problem is that I do other things during the day since it's gardening time and have a back up now of tapes that I haven't watched. Hmmm...maybe next winter?
So don't despair. You have fellow addicts who understand your pain and need to record.
I am hoping one day to get a tivo. It would sure be better than taping and having piles of tapes staring you in the face everyday.
Cathy L.
It's so nice to have Tivo. When we want to watch something, we just check the now playing list and see what it has new for us. With season pass we never have to worry about if it is a new episode of Lost or a rerun, and we don't have to worry about missing an episode of a serial like 24. We just set it and forget it!
What I also like is the ability to watch the news when it is convenient for me in the morning. I get ready, come out with my coffee, and reverse and play the news with the ability to speed through ads and the monotonous breaking news stories that they insist on focusing on. Plus I can freeze the 7 day forecast chart and study it a bit without having it flash by so quickly.
If we are watching something and the phone rings, we just hit pause, or if they said something we didn't quite catch, we rewind. Plus we go to the bathroom or get a snack whenever we want. It's great.