Surfed upon this while in a search on USENET. Try to get past the drama and get to the meat of the post. Submit any comments you have re: the title of my thread, thx, if you wish:
sKallyDoes someone have to spell it out to you about why LP obviously didn't
describe all these details? First and foremost, why should he hand on a
silver platter a description of the "lay of the land" to sock puppets on
this newsgroup, so they can proceed to perpetrate fraud by claiming they
attend Camden congregations (and using LP's description of the surroundings
to lend credibility)?And besides, we all know that if LP described all these details, YOU would
chide "that's a lie! You say the carpet was green and I happen to know
otherwise, but I'm not letting on the REAL color of the carpet!" or similar
attacks on everything he said. After all, somebody would have to visit
Camden themselves to verify whether the carpet was really green, for
instance! Then if that somebody posted that "yes, the carpet is really
green, LP was right!" then YOU would simply state arbitrarily, "you are a
LIAR! The carpet is NOT green! You're obviously an LP sock puppet!"In other words, why should LP even get started trying to dignify your
various accusations under nameless personas that repeatedly ask him for
specific details, when IF he were to provide those details, YOU would
automatically claim he was lying? Let's keep in mind that truth is not the
issue as far as you're concerned. LP could give a 100% accurate description
of those details down to the pattern of the wallpaper, and you would
automatically claim he was a liar, knowing that most readers would never
book a trip to Camden to see for themselves. Anyone who did so would be
attacked by you as also a liar.You're like a cartoon character or a caricature of the evil apostate as some
over-zealous brothers and sisters might envision. I almost get the sense
that perhaps YOU are not at all whom you seem... I get a sense that this
whole drama that has been played out on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn is like a
grim fairy tale or stage play of Phantom of the Opera. You're the villain,
and you think you're making some kind of point by playing the roles of all
these so-called JWs who are based on REAL PEOPLE you once knew!Your drama is retro-1970's and you need to attend a few meetings to get a
sense of whom Jehovah's Witnesses TODAY really are all about. You forget
that a whole new younger generation has taken the helm... kids in your
former congregation are now ELDERS today! I don't think you realize that
your audience, this newer generation, sees right through you because of your
retro views about JWs, and those between that generation and your own
generation recognize you are trying to work out psychological issues from
decades ago, not realizing that those days, and those Jehovah's Witnesses as
they believed then, are long gone. JWs today are baffled by you, because
it's different today, for lack of a better word, it is a "reformed"
organization. Those becoming governing body members today were young men in
the 1970's whom, before becoming JWs, were part of the "disco" generation
listening to retro 70's music. Your issues are with individuals running the
organization who have long since passed away or are passing away of advanced
old age. You don't understand that JWs have become a mainstream religion
whom I believe are still unique in our zeal to share our faith with others
publicly, but not nearly as overly zealous in some areas as we mature as
Christians. Without you, this newsgroup would indeed become an uneventful
place mainly because even the most rabid opponents of JWs, many who left and
others who simply opposed us, no longer consider JWs as a "threat" to them.
They recognize we're like anyone else who has faith in Jesus Christ as our
savior, and there's no longer the kind of "controversy" that permeated the
internet earlier on. As I said and will say again, the generation of JWs
today is a new generation of younger people who recently came on the scene,
and these are the faithful Christians who will run the future organization.
I really think your beef is with people who are long gone, and you're not
only barking up the wrong tree, but you're in the wrong forest...Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services