I often wonder why people who post on this board do not have a bio. I can understand the need for privacy, however, many times I check a person's profile when a topic of interest appears; to me it lends legitimacy to the poster. What do you think?
by Tigerman 5 Replies latest jw experiences
We are all words typed onto a computer screen.
In a way, are we not ' our words' ?
My life is so insignificant, it does not deserve being put into words.
Classicist . . . nonsense!
In my case, sorry I didn't notice where to even put the profile. I think some people start to post at difficult times and just don't think of doing that. Hate to sound totally stupid but how do you even correct it? does it matter? Some of us are 'hiding out'. As this (and other exjw) sites are the only place anyone understands any of this nonsense. Ask your average joe blow on the street about 1914, 586/607, invisible return of Jesus, what do you think you will get? Heck, even most Christians I have talked with don't understand what the heck I am talking about. I don't understand myself sometimes. You guys are the only ones who even can comprehend this utter nonsense! I myself, have tried to talk to family& friends about some of this and they either plain don't believe some of it, or think I am embellishing. Even when I can produce literature! You see, many here have been jw & understand the whole concept. You have no idea how plain odd everything sounds to someone who has never been. Mainsteam churches do not get into these foreign docrtines. And yes, that's how they sound to outsiders. That is why it so difficult to even talk to jw's. The language is, well, like a completly different language.
The loaded language, the 'redefined' words, just everything! That is why it so difficult to reach husband. We speak different languages now. Oh, don't get me started, carla