I don't know if this happened to anyone else when they left the org but when I left I lost some of my sense of humour. Once I found out life wasn't a temporary trivial game with a happy ending in sight I found things took on a more serious aspect.
All through school and work I was more intent on making people laugh, dodging responsibility or taking time off than forging a career. I thought what's the point, all this is temporary and won't matter soon. I was always popular with schoolmates and work friends cos I had a good sense of humour but I never associated with them cos they were 'worldly'. It was a nice outlet though during 9 to 5 as at JW meetings humour is seen as flippancy so I was just quiet and serious at JW gatherings. Now that I have the opportunity to go out with friends and have a laugh I find I'm totally stressed out with trying to make up for lost time and also feel insular in not being a JW but not quite of the real world either.
It was the loss of the ability to lift the oppression of any situation with a joke that prompted me to seek psychiatric help. I was panicked because I found myself sinking into depression and unable to convey how I was feeling as a JW upbringing teaches you that such expressions are signs of weakness. I couldn't make light of the situation as it wasn't transitory or ephemeral but was real, serious and needed figuring out.
It is getting better and some of my wit and sarcasm show themselves at various times. I do feel I am a different person though and I need to get a handle on my new personality.
A big help has been this site and discussing issues with everyone and hearing their experiences. Also having a laugh and a joke about funny, stupid and weird subjects. So I'd like to say a thankyou to everyone on the board