Here's for the little psycho path in all of us. The next time you catch a fly or other vermin in your house. Before you grab that fly swatter, get a laser pointer if you have one and point it into their eyes. It will blind them instantly. Loads of fun watching them flying about helplessly.Yea, I know, I need help.
Bug Zapper...
by zeroday 5 Replies latest jw friends
Golden Girl
Remember that song.."Too much time on my hands?"
But then again...only a genius could come up with something that strange!
Snoozy...of the " Smash em and put em out of their misery group!"
We all have that little psycho path in us GG. Just depends on how much time you want to spend on it.
Funny thing actually. As soon as I posted this, the auto advertisement software popped up on this thread to this site. OK you late nite fokes. Obviously GG and a few others. Your wierdiest elimination of vermin. I was up one nite about 3 am a few years back and up pops this ad on TV about a mouse trap. Not an ordinary mouse trap mind you. A clear plexy glass maze the mouse would entrap itself into. Now you would think it would feast on some sort of poison, hastening it's demise. But NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!. The little critter would be wait paitently for your return when you would apply a liberal spray of LETHAL poison watching as it slowy expired.
Golden Girl
That's where I got the link..
When I read about your mousetrap..I felt sorry for the mouse! Then I remembered they do that to people! They used to drop poison in a bucket and the prisoner would die a slow painful death. .When we first got married we bought a trailer and parked it on my Mother and Father in laws property..
I remember my Father in law got a small round wire cage roach (waterbugs) trap and put it in his basement. The waterbugs would crawl in and couldn't get out. When it got full he would take it outside and drown them in a bucket. Talk about gross!..I gag thinking about it.We thought we had a mouse one time . Hubby worked nights so he was gone but everytime I went to a meeting..when I got home, our candy dish would be toppled over and empty.
Well he decided to put a poison trap out. A few days later I went in a kitchen drawer to get a dishtowel and there was a HUGE RAT the size of the drawer..laying on his back kicking. He ate the poison but he was too large for it to kill him. So hubby got a arrow..(He was shooting his bow and arrow in the back yard) and speared the rat in the heart!..Then he put him outside and speared him to the ground.
His sister's cat was outside and came running..he sniffed but would not touch it! Smart cat. I guess he smelled the poison or didn't like the fact the rat we dying and wouldn't be any fun to play with.