Doors closed in 1935?

by gringojj 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gringojj

    Has the WTS ever said specifically that there would be no more anoinments after 1935 or anything to that effect?

  • IP_SEC


    What they say is the 'general' calling of these ended in '35. At this point the prime focus came to the earthly calling. Now the thing is that those muthas never imagined that we'd be in '05. hahhahhahha dipsh!ts. Sorry, I've had a lot of beer tonight~

    Now any new 'truly' annointed must be replacement for loser annointed folk. Thats why we have young guys on the GB!! Hahahha tha DipSh!ts!! lol Gawd, bikerchic is gonna have fun editing this response.


  • gringojj


  • robhic

    *** Watchtower 1997 October 1 p.23 Grateful for a Long Life in Jehovah's Service ***
    Confident in Kingdom Hope

    In 1935 we came to understand that the "great crowd" was not a secondary heavenly class. We learned that it instead represents a class that survives the great tribulation and has the opportunity of living forever in Paradise on earth. (Revelation 7:9-14) With this new understanding, some who had partaken of the Memorial emblems realized that theirs was an earthly hope, and they discontinued partaking.

    ==================================================================== (scroll down to "1935")

    1935 [Close of "high calling" of the 144,000 .. from 1935 WTBTS have taught that only about 8,000 of the 144,000 are still alive in the 1990s, that the "Great Company/Crowd" in Rev 7 are not considered anointed Christians, are not "born again" do not partake in communion, do not have Christ as mediator, and can at most expect eternal life on Earth] {WT Jun 15 1992 23, HIS2 166}


    Hope this helps.


  • ezekiel3

    This was published in 1999:


    w99 2/1 p. 19 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***


    More Additions!"

    At a Gilead graduation in 1970, Frederick Franz, then vice-president of the Watch Tower Society, told the students of the possibility that they, who were all of the other sheep with earthly hopes, might baptize someone who might claim to be of the anointed remnant. Could this happen? Well, he explained that John the Baptist was of the other sheep, and he baptized Jesus and some of the apostles. Then he went on to ask whether there still was a call for gathering in more of the remnant. "No, no more additions!" he said. "That call ended way back there in 1931-35! There are no more additions. Who, then, are the few newly associated ones who are partaking of the Memorial emblems? If they are of the remnant, they are replacements! They are, not additions to the ranks of the anointed, but replacements for those who may have fallen away."

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    The WTS society try and keep quiet on the whole 1935 thing. Truth is that 5 men in the GB, who are all professed annointed, only joined the org in the 50's or 60's which kinda messes up their rule.

  • blondie

    *** w00 1/15 p. 16 "Desirable Things" Are Filling Jehovah?s House ***

    It seems that by the year 1935, the general ingathering of the anointed was complete

    *** w01 5/15 p. 15 ?Behold! The Great Crowd!? ***

    Their identifying themselves with the great crowd of other sheep indicated that by 1935 the calling of the 144,000 anointed Christians was virtually complete.?Revelation 7:4.


    w99 2/1 p. 19 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***


    More Additions!"

    At a Gilead graduation in 1970, Frederick Franz, then vice-president of the Watch Tower Society, told the students of the possibility that they, who were all of the other sheep with earthly hopes, might baptize someone who might claim to be of the anointed remnant. Could this happen? Well, he explained that John the Baptist was of the other sheep, and he baptized Jesus and some of the apostles. Then he went on to ask whether there still was a call for gathering in more of the remnant. "No, no more additions!" he said. "That call ended way back there in 1931-35! There are no more additions. Who, then, are the few newly associated ones who are partaking of the Memorial emblems? If they are of the remnant, they are replacements! They are, not additions to the ranks of the anointed, but replacements for those who may have fallen away."


    w92 6/15 p. 23 Fishing for Men in Global Waters ***

    Most of the anointed Kingdom heirs were "fished" from the nations prior to 1935, so their full number has basically been completed.


    w88 1/1 p. 11 The Last Days?A Time of Harvest ***

    Evidently, the gathering of these was virtually complete by 1935.


    w82 2/15 p. 30 "What Prevents Me from Getting Baptized?" ***

    In time the prescribed but limited number of 144,000 would be reached. After this no more would be anointed by holy spirit as witness that they had the heavenly hope, unless, in a rare occurrence, the unfaithfulness of one of the remaining ?chosen ones? made a replacement necessary.?Romans 8:16; 11:19; Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5.

    When we consider how Jehovah has been dealing with his people during the ?harvest period,? it seems evident that the heavenly calling in general was completed about the year 1935, when the hope of the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9-17 was properly understood to be an earthly one.


    w70 12/1 p. 732 Teaching All Nationalities with a View to Baptism ***

    Since it appears from the facts that the ones eligible for the heavenly kingdom were for the time completed in number by about 1935, does that mean that those baptized since then are baptized as being of the "great crowd" of "other sheep"? (Rev. 7:9; John 10:16) No, when disciples are being baptized they do not try to determine for themselves what their destiny will be but leave that up to Jehovah God to decide. As has been noted, it is proper to expect that after one?s baptism God would give a witness to the dedicated and baptized person as to what God?s decision is in that one?s case. But at this time when it is principally to an earthly hope that God is pointing those who become his servants, what if anyone recently baptized should suddenly conclude that he or she was spirit-begotten? It would be well for such a one to do some self-examination as to whether that conclusion was truly based on the witness or the testimony of God?s spirit.


    w67 11/15 p. 694 Orders for Worldwide Fishing ***

    Apparently, by the years 1931-1935 all symbolic fish suitable for the kingdom of the heavens had been caught to complete the foreordained number of 144,000 joint heirs of Christ.

    *** re chap. 20 p. 125 A Multitudinous Great Crowd ***

    Their being identified in 1935 as the great crowd of other sheep was an indication that the choosing of the 144,000 was then about complete.

    *** uw chap. 14 p. 112 ?I Make a Covenant With You for a Kingdom? ***

    When we consider what has actually occurred, it seems evident that the heavenly calling in general was completed by about the year 1935 C.E., when the earthly hope of the "great crowd" was clearly discerned.

    Governing Body members born after 1935 or shortly before

    Samuel Herd (b. 1935)
    Theodore Jaracz (b. 1925)
    Steve Lett (b. 1949)
    Gerrit Losch (b. 1941)
    Guy Pierce (b. 1934)
    David Splane (b. 1944)



  • gringojj

    Can the WTS explain any of these replacements scriptually?

  • blondie

    The WTS says that Judas lost out on his opportunity to be one of the 144,000 and was replaced.

    I would think that Ananias and Sapphira had to be replaced according to WTS reasoning that there is a finite number going to heaven.

    It all turns around the concept of the sin against the holy spirit; that those called to heaven lost that privilege when they died.

    When did the WTS have to have a scriptural reason.

    Lately, this is the only scripture that matters

    Matthew 24:45-47

    Whereby the WTS appoints themselves the faithful and discreet slave with the power to speak for God on earth.


  • VM44

    Reading what the WT has said over time, it sounds like they made things up as they went along! --VM44

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