As a consequence of your time as a JW 'sister' do you find it difficult to pray?
After believing that men could pray willy nilly without issue but women couldn't I still have issues feeling worthy enough to talk to God in prayer.
by misspeaches 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As a consequence of your time as a JW 'sister' do you find it difficult to pray?
After believing that men could pray willy nilly without issue but women couldn't I still have issues feeling worthy enough to talk to God in prayer.
I really don't know for sure what my issue is but i don't even bother.
I wouldn't call it trouble, as it is more of an unwillingness to beg ANY MAN for ANYTHING.
The watchtower are a bunch of sexest pricks!
Women are equal to men in gods eyes and women are free to pray to god/jehovah.
I'm a woman and I prayed to god several times he never made a fuss about it! he answered my prayers and all.
why does the jehovah's witness believe women don't have authority to speak to god/jehovah?
I don't pray and have no desire to pray. So no, I don't have any trouble with it.
I meditate, I ponder, I reflect, I plan, I think, I get in touch with my feelings. But I will never pray again.
For a long time, I had a very hard time praying because of my time growing up as a JW. In fact, for several years, I rarely prayed at all....even questioned the existence of God. Later, I realized that the god I was rejecting was the misconception of God that the JWs taught me. And I found that that really was not what God was like at all. Today, I pray to a loving and merciful and forgiving God....not that punishing, mean, vengeful God that the JWs (and other religions claiming to be Christian) teach.
Reading Galatians Chapter 3:26-29 helped me in getting over the sexist crap the JWs pounded into our minds. "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, the you are Abraham's seed, an heirs to the promise." --New International Version
Also, some of Jesus' most trusted followers were women and there is mention made of how they supported Jesus monetarily/materially. There is also Jesus' treatment vesus the Pharisees' treatment of the woman who was caught in adultery.
These are just a few things that helped me to overcome that awkward feeling you described. Hope it helps!
Thank you for your response. I will certainly research that passage. It is very difficult but I am at a healing stage and discovering the real truth about God.
Miss Peaches.
Thanks for saying what I, as a male, could not say with such validity. Wow, The greatest atrocity I can imagine that men have committed against women in general is to cut them off from an attempt to connecting to the higher reality by convincing them that this reality is dominated by men. As a man, an elder even, I came to realize that women who had been abused by a man had great difficulty relating to a god represented as a "father", or just a man. While, at the time, I thought the 'father' image from Jesus was better than the "JEHOVAH OF ARMIES" image of the Hebrew scriptures it was still inadequate for a the needs of women. What is needed, but difficult, is to remove all anthropomorphic (please look it up if you don't know) notions of God. God is NOT a man, not a woman, not a human, not a person - as we know persons. Many if not most have a natural inclination to connect to something we sense is there but we need to quiet relating this "something" to humans, especially to A MAN. I sympathize with those who are hurt by association of the 'essence of all things' with human males. It is time to grow beyond that limitation and allow ourselves to experience the connection, often through prayer, to a higher level of spirituality where divisions of male/female do not exists. Jst2laws