Watchtower Study - Sept 2

by hippikon 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hippikon


    “Those sowing seed with tears will reap even with a joyful cry.”—PSALM 126:5.

    AFTER Jesus Christ’s third preaching tour of Gal-ilee, he told his disci-ples: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37) The situa-tion was the same in Ju-dea. (Luke 10:2) Since that was true nearly 2,000 years ago, what is the case today? Well, during the last service year, over 6,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah pressed on in the figt tive harvest work among the world’s 6,Ouu,-000,000 people, many of whom are “skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.” So Jesus’ exhortation to “beg the Master of the harvest to send out work-ers into his harvest” is as valid now as it was centuries ago.—Matthew 9:36,38.

    1. Why “beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers” today?

    Jehovah God, the Master of the harvest, has answered the plea to send out more workers. And what a joy it is to share in this God-directed harvest work! Though we are few in number compared with the nations, our zealous share in the Kingdom-preaching and ciple-making activity brings us to the world’s attention. In many lands we are frequently mentioned in the media. The ring of a doorbell in a television drama may elicit the comment that Jehovah’s Witnesses are at the door. Yes, our Christian activity as fig-urative harvest workers is well-known in the 21st century.

    2. What brings us to the attention of the people?

    The world also noted first-century Kingdom-preaching activities and persecuted proclaimers of the good news. Thus, the apostle Paul wrote: “It seems to me that God has put us the apostles last on exhibition as men appointed to death, because we [the apostles] have become a theatrical spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men.” (1 Corinthians 4:9) Similarly, our perseverance as Kingdom proclaimers despite persecution brings us to the world’s attention and is of im-portance to the angels. Says Revelation 14:6: “I [the apostle John] saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” Yes, we have angelic support in our ministry—our harvest work!—Hebrews 1:13, 14.

    3. (a) How do we know that notice was taken of first-century Kingdom-preaching activity? (b) Why can we say that the angels support our ministry?

    “Objects of Hatred”

    When Jesus’ apostles were sent forth as harvest workers, they heeded his instruction to be “cautious as serpents and yet inno-cent as doves.” Jesus added: “Be on your guard against men; for they will deliver you up to lo-cal courts, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. Why, you will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a wit-ness to them and the nations. ... And you will be objects of hatred by all people on ac-count of my name; but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.”—Mat-thew 10:16-22.

    We are “objects of hatred” today because “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” Satan the Devil, who is the chief enemy of God and His people. (1 John 5:19) Our enemies observe our spiritual prosperity but refuse to attribute it to Jehovah. Oppos-ers see our happy, smiling faces as we joyfully share in the harvest work. They marvel at our unity! In fact, they may grudgingly acknowl. edge it when they travel to another land and find that Jehovah’s Witnesses there are do-ing the very same work as that observed in their homeland. Of course, we know that in due time Jehovah, our backer and the source of our unity, will be made known even to our enemies.—Ezekiel 38:10-12, 23.

    4, 5. (a) What warning did Jesus give his disci-ples? (b) Why ate God’s present-day servants “ob-jects of hatred”?

    The Master of the harvest has given his Son, Jesus Christ, “all authority.. . in heav-en and on the earth.” (Matthew 28:18) Jeho-vah thus uses Jesus to direct the harvest work through the heavenly angels and the anoint-ed “faithful and discreet slave” here on the earth. (Matthew 24:45-47; Revelation 14:6, 7) But how can we cope with enemy opposition and yet maintain our joy as we press on in the harvest work?

    6. What assurance do we have as we engage in the harvest work, but what question arises?

    When we face opposition or even outright persecution let us seek God’s help so that we can maintain a disposition like that of Paul. He wrote: “When being reviled, we bless; -when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat.” (1 Corinthians 4: 12, 13) This spirit, coupled with our tactful -public ministry, sometimes changes the attitude of our opposers.

    7. What disposition should we endeavor to maintain when opposed or persecuted?

    Not even the threat of death dampens our zeal as harvest workers. We fearlessly pro claim the Kingdom message as openly as possible. And we draw encouraging reassurance from Jesus’ words: “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather be in fear of him that can de-stroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” (Matthew 10:28) We know that our heavenly fa-ther is the Giver of life. He rewards those who maintain integrity to him and faithfully press on in the harvest work.

    8.What reassurance do you derive from Jesus words recorded at Matthew ‘10:28?

    A Lifesaving Message

    When the prophet Ezekiel boldly declared Jehovah’s messages to the “rebellious nations”—the kingdoms of Israel and Judah—some individuals were pleased to hear what he had to say. (Ezekiel 2:3) “Look!” said Jehovah, “you are to them like a song of sensuous loves, like one with a pretty voice and playing a stringed instrument well.” (Ezekiel 33:32) Although they liked Ezekiel’s words, - they failed to act on them. What is happening today? When the anointed remnant and their companions courageously declare Jehovah’s messages, some like to hear about Kingdom blessings, but they do not respond apprecia-tively, become disciples, and join in the harvest work.

    9. How did some respond to Ezekiel’s words, and how is a similar thing happening today?

    On the other hand, many have responded favorably to the harvest work and have shared in declaring God’s messages. During a series of Christian conventions from 1922 to 1928, for instance, judgment messages on Sa-tan’s wicked system of things rang out clearly. Radio stations broadcast these denun-ciations presented at those assemblies. There-after, God’s people distributed printed copies of these by the millions.

    In the late 1930’s, another form of wit-nessing activity opened up—information marches. At first, Jehovah’s people wore plac-ards that announced public talks. Later, they carried placards with such slogans as “Reli-gion is a snare and a racket” and “Serve God and Christ the King.” When they marched through the streets, they attracted the atten-tion of passersby. ‘This did much to bring Je-hovah’s Witnesses into the limelight and to embolden them,’ commented a brother who regularly shared in this work on the busy streets of London, England.

    10,11 In the first half of the 20th century, what was done to publicize our lifesaving message and with what results?
    As we declare God’s judgment messages, we also feature the positive aspects of the Kingdom message. Our bold witnessing on the world stage helps us search out deserving ones. (Matthew 10:11) Most of the final mem-bers of the anointed class responded to the clarion harvest call during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Then, at a convention in 1935, came the wonderful news of a blessed future for “a great crowd” of “other sheep” on a paradise earth. (Revelation 7:9; John 10:16) They have heeded God’s judgment messages and have become united with the anointed ones in preaching the lifesaving good news.

    12. In addition to God’s judgment messages, what have we featured in our ministry; and who are now united in preaching the good news?

    Of great comfort to God’s harvest work-ers, and especially to those who suffer perse-cution, are the words of Psalm 126:5, 6: “Those sowing seed with tears will reap even with a joyful cry. The one that without fail goes forth, even weeping, carrying along a bagful of seed, will without fail come in with a joyful cry, carrying along his sheaves.” The psalmist’s words about sowing and reaping il-lustrate Jehovah’s care for and blessing on the remnant that returned from captivity in an-dent Babylon. They were very happy at their release, but they may have wept when sow-ing seed in the desolate ground that had not been worked during their 70-year exile. How-ever, those who went ahead with their sow-ing and construction activities enjoyed fruit-age and satisfaction from their labor.

    We may shed tears when under trial or when we or our fellow believers are suffering for righteousness’ sake. (1 Peter 3:14) In our harvest work, we may at first have a hard time because we seemingly have nothing to show for our efforts in the ministry. But if we con-tinue to sow and water, God will make things grow, often beyond our expectations. (1 Co-rinthians 3:6) This is well illustrated by the re-suits of our distribution of Bibles and Scrip-tural publications.

    13, 14. (a) What comfort can be drawn from Psalm 126:5, 6? (b) If we continue to sow and water, what will happen?

    Consider the example of a man named Jim. When his mother died, he found among her possessions a copy of the book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?* He read it with interest. In a discussion with a Witness who approached him on the street, Jim agreed to a return visit, and this led to a Bible study. Jim made rapid spiritual progress, dedicated himself to Jehovah, and was bap-tized. He told other members of his family about what he had learned. As a result, his sis-ter and brother became Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Jim later enjoyed the privilege of serving as a full-time volunteer at Bethel in London.

    15. Give an example of the usefulness of Christian publications in the harvest work.

    Persecuted yet Joyful

    Why has there been such success in the harvest work? Because anointed Christians and their companions have heeded Jesus’ instructions: “What I tell you in the darkness, say in the light; and what you hear whispered, preach from the housetops.” (Matthew 10:27) However, we can expect hardships, for Jesus warned: “Brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death.” Jesus further said: “Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:21, 34) Jesus did not deliberately set out to divide families. But the good news sometimes had that effect. The same is true of God’s servants today. When we visit families, it is not our in-tention to introduce a divisive factor. It is our desire that everyone embrace the good news. Therefore, we try to approach all members of a family in a kind, sympathetic way that makes our message appealing to those “right-ly disposed for everlasting life.”—Acts 13:48.

    16. (a) Why has success been experienced in the harvest work? (b) What warning did Jesus give re-garding the effect of the good news, but with what attitude do we approach people?

    The Kingdom message has set apart those who uphold God’s sovereignty. For instance, consider how our fellow worshipers stood out as different because they ‘paid Cae-sar’s things to Caesar but God’s things to God’ in the days of National Socialism in Ger-many. (Luke 20:25) In contrast with religious leaders and nominal Christians associated with the churches of Christendom, Jeho-vah’s servants stood firm, refusing to violate Bible principles. (Isaiah 2:4; Matthew 4:10; John 17:16) Professor Christine King, author of the book The Nazi State and the New Reli-gions, observed: “Only against the Witnesses was the IINazil government unsuccessful, for although they had killed thousands, the work went on and in May 1945 the Jehovah’s Wit-ness movement was still alive, whilst National Socialism was not.”

    17. How are those who uphold God’s sovereignty set apart, and what is one example of this?

    Significant indeed is the attitude mani-fested by Jehovah’s people when they are faced with persecution. While secular author-ities may be impressed by our faith, they ex-press amazement at the absence of ill-will or rancor on our part. For instance, Witness sur-vivors of the Holocaust frequently express joy and contentment as they look back on their experiences. They know that Jehovah gave them “power beyond what is normal.” (2 Co-rinthians 4:7) Anointed ones among us have the assurance that their “names have been in-scribed in the heavens.” (Luke 10:20) Their endurance produces a hope that does not lead to disappointment, and faithful harvest work-ers with earthly prospects have a similar con-viction.—Romans 5:4, 5.

    18. What attitude do Jehovah’s people manifest de-spite persecution?

    Persevere in the Harvest Work

    How much longer Jehovah will allow us to engage in the figurative harvest work re-mains to be seen. In the meantime, we should bear in mind that harvesters have spe-cific methods for doing their work. Similar-ly, we can be sure that our faithfulness in us-ing the tried and tested ways of preaching will prove effective. Paul told fellow Christians: “I entreat you, . . . become imitators of me.” (1 Corinthians 4:16) When Paul met with the Ephesian elders at Miletus, he reminded them that he had not held back from teach-ing them “publicly and from house to house.” (Acts 20:20, 21) Paul’s compan-ion Timothy had learned what the apostle’s methods were and could therefore acquaint the Corinthians with these. (1 Corinthi-ans 4:17) God blessed Paul’s teaching meth-ods, even as he will bless our perseverance in preaching the good news publicly from house to house, on return visits, on home Bi-ble studies, and anywhere that people can be found.—Acts 17:17.

    19. What effective methods have been used in the Christian ministry?

    After witnessing to a Samaritan woman near Sychar in 30 C.E., Jesus spoke of the spir-itual harvest. He told his disciples: “Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they ate white for harvesting. Already the reaper is re-ceiving wages and gathering fruit for everlast-ing life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together.” (John 4:34-36) Perhaps Je-sus had already seen the effect of his encoun-ter with the Samaritan woman, for many were putting faith in him on account of her testimony. (John 4:39) In recent years, vari-ous countries have lifted restrictions on Jeho-vah’s Witnesses or have granted them le-gal recognition, thus opening up new fields for harvesting. The result is that an abundant spiritual harvest is in progress. In fact, throughout the world, rich blessings are be-ing experienced as we joyfully continue to en-gage in the spiritual harvest.

    20. How did Jesus indicate that an abundant spin-tual harvest was at hand, and how has this proved true in recent years?

    When crops are ripe and ready for har-vesting, workers must act with urgency. They must labor without delay. Today, we need to work industriously and with a sense of urgen-cy because we are living in “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) Yes, we encounter trials, but there is a greater harvest of Jehovah’s wor-shipers than ever before. This is therefore a day of rejoicing. (Isaiah 9:3) As joyful workers, then, let us press on in the harvest work!

    [I]21. Why do we have reason to press on as joyful harvest workers?

    How Would You Answer?

    • How has the Master of the harvest
    answered the plea for more workers?
    • Although we are “objects of hatred,” what disposition do we maintain?

    • Why are we joyful even though we are persecuted?

    • Why should we persevere in the har-vest work with a sense of urgency?

  • hippikon

    Sorry about the delay - this was a hard one to edit. (Didn't scan very well)

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife
    Oppos-ers see our happy, smiling faces as we joyfully share in the harvest work. They marvel at our unity!

    Oh, pleeeeaase...... I dont think 'marvel' is quite the word I would use.... and what unity?? More like schisms and backbiting and divisions....

  • Gopher

    IW, your comments are exactly right! Opposers marvelling? LOL. Some people may marvel, but surely not the opposers.

    Paragraph 15: There'll always be people like "Jim", who are either unaware of what they're about to get into, or else willingly accept a life where all the rules & regulations are set out in front of them, with no real responsibility or thinking involved. For "Jim" and others like him, it'll always be "what does the Society say I should do"? Notice the term "Bible Study" that they said was conducted with him. Yet the main instrument at first was the Creation book, which is so filled with misquotations and pseudo-science (as documented by Norm and others in posts to this forum earlier this year), how could someone be taught "truth" by means of a publication that does not contain the whole truth....Then it was probably on to the "Live Forever" or "Knowledge" publication, with specially selected scriptures to lead you to a pre-ordained conclusion about "truth". No real "Bible" study here, unless "Jim" did it on his own (not likely, he became a JW too quickly to have been doing this very carefully)!!

    Paragraph 20 -- an abundant harvest? Maybe in some non-industrialized lands or lands where the Internet is not available to the common folk. Otherwise, the growth is zero! We usually (in the past) would see some statistics to support how "wonderfully" the harvest work was going, but not now, since there are apparently no wonderful statistics, except in certain pockets of the world.

    So... No real bible study, and no real recent increases. But don't worry, the end is near.... just keep on doing more more more, you'll get your paradise (right around the corner).

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Hippikon,

    thanks again, ..also for the new lay-out,
    for sure an excellent job.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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