Freqently when witnessing to witnesses they claim that the 1925 predictions were only a probability and not a certainty. However review of the original material proves other wise apperently in the Watchtower, October 1, 1984, p. 24 there is an admission the rutherford made a fool of himself with these predictions. Does anyone have a jpg scan of The Watchtower, October 1, 1984, p. 24 that they could post. Thanks.
Predications for 1925
by golden age 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
w84 10/1 p. 24 ?Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me? How I enjoyed music! Being able to devote my full time to it was rewarding indeed. While serving on Staten Island, I also had the rare privilege of getting better acquainted with J. F. Rutherford, who was then president of the Watch Tower Society. This was because he spent half of each week there, as those peaceful surroundings were most favorable for writing?and what a lot of that he did!
Brother Rutherford was like an understanding and loving father to me, even though he repeatedly had occasion to reprove me for breaking some rule. I especially remember one time when he gave me a blunt reproof. The next time he saw me, he cheerily said, "Hello Karl!" But because of still feeling hurt, I just muttered a greeting. He countered, "Karl, watch out! The Devil?s after you!" Embarrassed, I replied, "Oh, there?s nothing, Brother Rutherford." But he knew better, and so repeated his warning, "That?s all right. Just watch out. The Devil?s after you." How right he was! When we harbor resentment against a brother, especially for saying something he has a right to say in the line of duty, we leave ourselves open to the Devil?s snares.?Ephesians 4:25-27.
Once, due to some misunderstanding, it was wrongly reported to Brother Rutherford that I had made a very critical remark about him. However, rather than becoming indignant, he remarked: "Well, Karl talks a lot, and he says things he doesn?t mean." What a fine example for all of us, in case we hear someone saying uncomplimentary things about us! Yes, Brother Rutherford was bighearted and very understanding. He showed this to me on the one hand by repeatedly making exceptions in my case when unusual circumstances seemed to merit his doing so, and on the other hand by apologizing on more than one occasion when he had thoughtlessly caused me some hurt (*FOOTNOTE). It might be added that Brother Rutherford?s prayers at morning worship also endeared him to me. Though he had such a powerful voice, when addressing God he sounded just like a little boy talking to his daddy. What a fine relationship with Jehovah that revealed! To have a man of such spiritual stature taking the lead was faith strengthening to me, and I felt that this was just as it should be in Jehovah?s organization.
w84 10/1 p. 24 ?Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me?
Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, "I made an ass of myself."
Golden Age,
Welcome, again, to the forum. The 1925 debacle is one of the best ways to illustrate how the Society has lied. You don't need to debate doctrine, you don't need a Bible, you simply need the Society's very own paper trail.
1. Society makes numerous predictions prior to 1925
2. Society, via Rutherford begins denials (1926) implying that they that they didn't really say what they said prior to 1925.
3. Society, 50 years later (1975 YB), tries to reinforce their denials with the poor memory of some woman in some congregation.
Read it all in my letter called Dear GB.