Help Please

by Marvin Shilmer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Can anyone here pleased translate the following for me? I believe it is in an African dialect of French.

    From web site :

    Tharcisse SEMINEGA : Oui, comme je l'ai dit, on se rencontrait dans le bus et souvent il discutait avec des collègues, parce que moi souvent je me taisais. Souvent je me taisais parce que je suis témoin de Jehova de religion et j'ai comme principe que je ne dois pas me mêler de politique. C'est pour cela que je me gardais de me mêler de leur discussion mais je les écoutais et souvent il discutait avec une collègue qu'on appelait Rose MUKANKOMEJE et des fois, ils avaient même vraiment des propos assez énergiques et violents. Alors, ils discutaient surtout au sujet du rôle que les Tutsi, surtout ceux qui étaient à l'intérieur du pays, avaient à jouer dans l'attaque des Inkotanyi, des rebelles, de la diaspora, et NTEZIMANA, d'après lui donc, il était de l'opinion que les Tutsi de l'intérieur avaient une part à jouer, donc ils étaient complices, qu'ils étaient complices de cette guerre, des rebelles et ce qu'on ne partageait pas, l?opinion que ne partageait pas MUKANKOMEJE qui lui disait qu?il fallait faire la part de ce que font les rebelles et la part de ce que font les Tutsi de l'intérieur. Parce que les Tutsi de l'intérieur, la plupart ne savait même pas d'où venait cette rébellion ; ils ne savaient pas comment l'attaque avait été organisée. Ils ne devaient pas être tenus responsables de cette attaque ou tenus pour complices et voyez donc, quand on a ces idées, on risque de culpabiliser des gens qui ne sont pas coupables et de les prendre pour responsables de la guerre et cela est prêt à inciter les gens à les haïr et même à les tuer parce qu'ils les rendent responsables de cette guerre dont ils ne savaient rien. Et finalement.

    Was Tharcisse Seminega a JW at the time of his rescue in Rwanda, or his he a JW now?

    That is the question I hope to answer based on the interview posted at the site . At this web site Tharcisse Seminega several times refers to Jehovah (Jehova) in his interview. Do any of these references reveal his professed religion at the time he was protected by JWs in Rwanda?

    Thanks for any help.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • misspeaches

    I put this through babel fish and got the following if it helps at all...

    Tharcisse SEMINEGA: Yes, as I said, one met in the bus and often it discussed with colleagues, because me often I keep silent myself. Often I keep silent myself because I am pilot of Jehova of religion and I have as principle which I should not interfere policy. It is for that that I took care not to interfere me their discussion but I listened to them and often it discussed with a colleague whom one called Rose MUKANKOMEJE and of the times, they had even really rather energetic remarks and violent one. Then, they discussed especially about the role that Tutsi, especially those which were inside the country, had to play in the attack of Inkotanyi, the rebels, of the diaspora, and NTEZIMANA, in his opinion thus, it was the of the opinion that Tutsi of the interior had a share to play, therefore they were accessory, that they were accessory to this war, the rebels and what one did not divide, l?opinion that did not divide MUKANKOMEJE which told him qu?il was necessary to make the share of what make the rebels and the share of what make Tutsi of the interior. Because Tutsi of the interior, the majority did not even know from which this rebellion came; they did not know how the attack had been organized. They were not to be held responsible for this attack or to be held for accomplices and thus see, when one has these ideas, one is likely to make feel guilty people who are not guilty and to take them for persons in charge for the war and that is ready to incite people to hate them and to even kill them because they make them responsible for this war of which they did not know anything. And finally.

  • jst2laws

    Hello Marvin,

    I saw this over at channelc and thought "Marvin, you should try this at JWD". You already did. Now what does it mean?


    Would you give us a little more info about "babel fish"?


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Howdy, misspeaches

    I appreciate your assistance. Earlier I used various online translators (google, babelfish, etc.) and got pretty much the same as you. To me the answer to my question about Tharcisse Seminega is sure. It looks like he was a JW at the time of his rescue. But knowing the nuances of language and translation, and the notorios limits of online translators, I am still looking for a human translator who can translate the paragraph, or at least the SECOND sentence of it.


    You and I had similar thoughts? The thought is frightening, for me!

    By the way, knowing your interest in quantum mechanics, have you read Roger Penrose?s new book The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe? I think you?ll find it fascinating. He thinks he has solved the problem of why a quantum particle can be in two (or more!) places at one time yet larger objects cannot be in two places at one time. His theory is novel and testable, though it is yet untested.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • misspeaches

    Hi Jst2laws

    Would you give us a little more info about "babel fish"?

    Babelfish is a translator site where you can enter the text and have it translated. Its a neat little site to keep in your favourites. Here is the URL -

    If you have heard of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy you may have heard of Babelfish before. Its a little fish that the characters put in their ears so they could communicate in any language. Hope this helps!

  • Kenneson

    I'm not the best translator, but he is saying that he is a J.W. " suis temoins de Jehova de religion et j'ai comme principe que je ne dois pas me meler de politique."

    "I am of the Jehovah's Witness religion and I have as a principle that I ought not to (mix) be involved with politics."

    He was helped by Hutu Jehovah's Witnesses who refused to participate in the Tutsi Rwandan genocide and who hid him and his wife for 75 days.

  • jst2laws


    By the way, knowing your interest in quantum mechanics, have you read Roger Penrose?s new book The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe?

    Thanks, I've added it to my Amazon wish list.

    PS, My golf clubs are covered with mildew. They need to see some daylight.


    I will keep this in mind.


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