How Not To Be DA'd

by Defender 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    Many of us, who have found the real truth about “The Truth” and have stopped attending meetings and have made known some of our views to close JW friends and family, are trying to live discreet lives hoping that we never encounter that dreadful moment when the mobile “Spanish Inquisition” suddenly knocks on our door.

    It is an extremely emotional and heart wrenching situation and many would find it hard to deal with, myself included. Being prepared would certainly help. Being resolved to uphold our consciences is admirable. Scriptural experiences definitely help in giving us some model to follow. Christ’s example and also that of the apostles clearly indicates that while they held different views from the Jewish public of their times, they did not endeavor to separate themselves or “DA” themselves unnecessarily. Their ulterior motive was of course to help the Jews come to the knowledge of Christ. We can adopt a similar alterior motive as well.

    The apostle Paul’s experiences is of particular interest since he endeavored to align himself to whatever situation he faced. While he was evicted from one synagogue, he would go and attend another. He did not take it that personal and tried to rise above emotions.

    Similarly, today we can at least make an effort to be malleable enough to withstand the onslaught of the questioning barrages from the suspecting elders and try to prolong or postpone the inevitable.
    I mean come on, we were taught by the best in the business of providing non-direct and twisted answers to straightforward questions.

    I totally understand those that would find this unpalatable, or simply cannot withhold their emotions or would rather prefer a clean break.

    I will start with some questions and possible answers and please feel free to add to them.

    Q- Do you consider yourself a Jehovah’s Witness?

    A- Yes, I am a witness of Jehovah. (Although, as a Christian, we are witnesses to Christ, but there is nothing scripturally wrong in being a witness of Jehovah as well.)

    Q- Do you believe that the Organization is Jehovah’s Organization?

    A- Yes, I believe that the organization is trying to do God’s will. (By rewording the answers, we can satisfy the questioner as well as our consciences)

    Q- Do you believe that the FDS is appointed by Jesus to give spiritual food in due time?

    A- Yes, I believe that the Governing Body is working in fulfilling Jesus parable. (Notice that we admit to the fact that the GB is working in fulfilling Jesus parable, though in their own twisted way.)

    Q- Do you believe in 1914 as being the year of Jesus presence?

    A- I believe that 1914 was a very distinctive year and certainly since then, there were wars, pestilence and earthquakes, signs that Jesus talked about before talking about the sign of his presence. I believe that it is only a matter of time before we realize the true importance of 1914.

    Q- Why are we not seeing you in the meetings?

    A- I will be attending more meetings, except that I am going through some personal problems and issues that I am trying to work through right now.

  • Farkel

    I've ever-so-slightly altered your answers to make them a little clearer for the jack-booted inquisitors:

    I will start with some questions and possible answers and please feel free to add to them.

    Q- Do you consider yourself a Jehovah’s Witness?

    A- No. I hate Cults.

    Q- Do you believe that the Organization is Jehovah’s Organization?

    A- Does shit smell?

    Q- Do you believe that the FDS is appointed by Jesus to give spiritual food in due time?

    A- Well, they SAY they are, but then again they are notorious liars, not to mention outright criminals and murderers.

    Q- Do you believe in 1914 as being the year of Jesus presence?

    A- Only in my dreams.

    Q- Why are we not seeing you in the meetings?

    A- What part of "I hate Cults" do you not understand, Nazi-Boy?

    Hope that helps!


  • Defender

    Thanks Farkel for pointing out our true feelings on these questions. And by all means, when we answer as you suggest, we most definitely wont be DA'd.

  • KSJordan

    I loved the part about when the mobile "Spanish Inquisition comes rolling up to one's door. That has not happened at my house yet, even though my mother has not been to a meeting in about 10 years. I sort of expect it any day though, although it may never happen as I usually open the door and I think they are a little afraid of me. I will keep you posted.

  • Maximus

    Ah, but let's not overlook something.

    THEY disfellowship YOU.

    Only YOU can disassociate yourself.

    What they do is declare YOU have disassociated YOURSELF.

    What a neat tool. I'm hearing more and more stories of individuals who fudge on the GB and FDS question, expressing mere DOUBT. Only to hear second hand that an announcement has been read to the congregation, not that someone has been disfellowshipped (ostensibly for apostasy), but has "by his course of conduct disassociated himself." Aren't legalisms lovely?

    The congregation is free to speculate on what evil acts God has uncovered through his spirit-appointed representatives, the "glorious ones" of Bible prophecy. You know, the scripture first applied to angels, then to FDS, and now to elders? Or has there been a change, Farkel?


  • larc

    I would love to use the technique of evasiveness that they taught us so well.

    1. A JW?: I am as much a JW as I was yesterday and much as I will be one tomorrow.

    2. Jah's Org.?: I believe that it is as much an organization of Jehovah as it was when it was founded in 1879. I especially appreciate the fact that they have reminded us that, Armageddon will be here any day now, for the last 122 years.

    3. The FDS? I believed it when it was Russell. I believed it when it was the remnant. I believed it when it was Rutherford. I believed it, when it became the GB in 1975. Any person or group who gets information directly from Jesus is OK in my book.

    4. Jesus in 1914?: Oh yes, it was invisible all right. If the FDS told me that the Great Tribulation and Armageddon are going to be invisible, I'd believe that too.

    5. See me at meetings?: I was there. I don't know why you didn't see me. I don't think I was invisible like Jesus in 1914.

  • Farkel


    : the "glorious ones" of Bible prophecy. You know, the scripture first applied to angels, then to FDS, and now to elders? Or has there been a change, Farkel?

    Yes there has. That scripture now has its direct fulfillment in ME. You'll see an adjustment to this new view in the Watchtower very soon. Of course, as with the fulfillment of most JW doctrine, that announcement will be invisible.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    I luv it, Farkel! You made my week!

  • Mulan

    Under the guise of a shepherding call, an elder asked my husband if he believed this was Jehovah's organization about 4 years ago. His reply: "when you start trying to moniter people's thoughts, you are going to make an awful lot of work for yourselves."

    No action has ever been taken against either of us. Every question those elders asked, he answered with either a question back to them, or an evasive answer that they didn't like the sound of, like the above one. It worked.

    Then they turned to me, with questions, and I said, "why is it that during the two months my husband was working in Japan, and I missed most of the meetings, no one called on me? No one invited me to dinner? I was treated like I had a disease? Now you are asking me questions like this?" I wouldn't answer them, and they were ashamed. They left and never came back. No announcement.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)


    I Told the elders to DA'd me ASAP after I found out I was in there
    cult. Would you beleive they gave me a hard way to go and just wanted me to walk away. The elders knew how I felt and what I knew about the watchtower but would not disfellowship me unless I told other Jehovah witnesses, lol but you Know I just had too,DA'd myself, my mother law is still a jw along with my wife who does not want too stand up for herself. The main reason I da'd myself my mother law was over my house dragging my wife and kids to the meetings, my wife would tell me your still a jw your not so suppose to being doing this and that. SO I put the watchtower cult shit to rest and told them to DA'D asap. no chance for them to disfellowship me, no I don't want to be apart of your bs anymore so make it public damn it.

    THE REAL TRUTH STANDS THE TEST OF TIME, IT WILL NOT CHANGE, IF IT DOES ITS A LIE.The sun will rise, The sun will set,AN EXAMPLE of The real TRUTH nobody can change.

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