by SHUNNED FATHER 9 Replies latest jw friends


    The 14 year old JW girl from Vancouver who has cancer and needed a blood transfusion has been transferred to New York City. I am afraid that she may be the next victim of he WTS Blood Policy. Would anyone from the New York area please inform the Media in New York about this case and watch the news and post what happens. The WTS will try to keep their dirty work as quiet as possible. If the WTS has their way this little girl will die and no one outside the organization will hear about it. Let us not let that the media today. Anyone there willing to go to the hospital or WTS HQ and protest ?


    VANCOUVER (CP) - A British Columbia teenager being treated for cancer and in a legal battle due to her Jehovah's Witness beliefs has been transferred to a hospital in New York City for chemotherapy treatment.

    In a statement issued Wednesday, her lawyer, Shane Brady, said the girl was transferred to Schneider Children's Hospital from Children's Hospital in Vancouver.

    The transfer came after a B.C. Supreme Court ruling Tuesday that allowed the transfer based on an agreement reached between the director of child, family and community service, the teenager and her parents.

    The statement said the family and the ministry would not have any further comment. Brady, whose office is in Georgetown, Ont., could not be reached for comment.

    "The teen, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, chose to go to New York but needed consent of the director and a court order to be free to make the transfer," the statement said.

    The New York hospital has a "blood avoidance program" aimed at avoiding or minimizing the use of blood in treating their patients.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that blood is a sacred source of life not to be misused or tampered with under any circumstance.

    The teenager, who turns 15 next month, was in a court in Ontario earlier this month trying to get a different result than one she received in a B.C. court earlier.

    But the Ontario judge said he did not find any fault with Justice Mary Boyd of the B.C. Supreme Court, who ruled April 11 that the girl, because she is a minor, could not refuse transfusions if doctors deem them medically necessary.

    The girl's lawyer said at the time his client wanted to get the Ontario court to consider the evidence of Schneider Hospital in New York, which has experience in treating cancer like the girl's without using blood transfusions.

    The girl and her family want to receive the chemotherapy for osteogenic sarcoma at the New York hospital.

  • hawkaw

    Jehovah's Witness teen going to New York for treatment

    Last Updated Wed, 18 May 2005 20:43:08 EDT CBC News

    VANCOUVER - A 14-year-old B.C. girl facing a court-ordered blood transfusion because of her religious beliefs has been transferred to a New York City hospital for chemotherapy treatment.

    The girl, who is a Jehovah's Witness, was transferred to Schneider Children's Hospital from Children's Hospital in Vancouver after a B.C. Supreme Court approved the transfer.

    It came after an agreement was reached between the director of child, family and community service, the teenager and her parents.

    The Schneider hospital in New York has a cancer treatment program that avoids or minimizes the use of blood transfusions, which are prohibited in the girl's religion.

    After a B.C. court ruled she cannot refuse a blood transfusion, the girl and her family went to Toronto seeking a different result.

    But the Ontario judge said he did not find any fault with the B.C. Supreme Court decision.

    The teenager, who turns 15 on June 5, had a cancerous tumour removed from her right leg and underwent chemotherapy at B.C. Children's Hospital.

    Doctors at the hospital say the chemotherapy treatments can inhibit the growth of blood cells and warn that she could die if she doesn't get a transfusion.

  • hawkaw

    I get so sick and tired of the press telling the world that the JW's prohbit blood transfusions.

    It is false.

    The leadership only rejects some types of blood transfusions.


  • rebel8

    I honestly don't see how you could fault the media for not keeping up with the constant flip-flops on the blood doctrine. Not so long ago, all blood was prohibited. Right now, it's a so-called conscience matter and those who choose to accept some blood products may be seen as bad association or damaged goods. The only difference is they don't get DFd now; they still receive the same social stigma as always.

    As to the OP's request....

    Protest? If any protests occurred, it should have been done when the girl was going to court to try to refuse treatment. Now that she's getting treatment, I don't see much to protest.

    Alert the media? I'm all for doing that in cases that show how dangerous the WTS blood rule is. How would that be shown now? The only story I could envision would convey the idea, "See, the JWs are right, adequate medical treatment can be done w/o blood. Damn those courts for trying to force her to go against her beliefs when there was an available alternative." Generally, people do not have the cerebral capacity to understand that isn't true in all cases. They will just assume it is.

    Sorry OP, I don't mean to come across snotty. I just don't see the point of drawing attention to this girl's situation now that it's been resolved.

  • fairchild

    I will ask the paper that I write for if I can write an article on it. (I'm in upstate New York) This is going to be tricky, because it will have my name on it, and the local JWs are going to be pretty mad. Oh well, I'll see if they will accept an article.

  • rebel8

    Well, fairchild, if you write it, then I'm sure you'll be able to put the correct information in it. I don't know if you've seen my personal story on blood (and remember I'm in CNY too)'s quite compelling...if you need a local interviewee, PM me.....

    I'll come back and post a link to my story momentarily. UPDATED to add: I can't find the thread. I have the story saved on my computer in case you need it.

  • fairchild

    I would like to read it, rebel8. Where in CNY are you? I'm between Utica/Rome and Old Forge, out in the boonies.

    The publishers of the paper I write for are catholic, and they don't like JWs too much.

  • m. kirov
    m. kirov

    If she can hold on to life just a little longer there will be new light.

    check out --and then go under beliefs, then scroll down to "Blood". Notice the June 2000 article states blood components just not whole blood can be used. the clergy laity will undoubtedly change their minds again. It brings to mind the talks they would give letting us know all the ways we could "stumble our brother" or "bring reproach on Jehovah's name" and be "blood guilty".

    I think we know who is really bringing reproach.

    this site is also real good for a laugh. all of the "Golden Age" qoutes are wild. ah, primitive old light.

  • Joyzabel

    m. kiov

    nothing is new light. The components idea was introduced in 2000/2001 but the R&F didn't understand what was hitting them. Now the WT can say it is not a new policy, it has been in place for several years.

    All the WT is doing is f**king with people's lives. Shame on them.

  • jaffacake


    It is a shame for those for whom the current policy came too late. It would be so much easier if the watchtower just admitted that it has known for years that their understanding of scriptures on this point, like many others was just plan wrong. Please dont blame the media for not keeping up with present truth.

    They failed to understand that not only were transfusions not against Gods law, but that even eating blood would not be against Gods law. Like Romans 13, most Christians understood this due to the complete truth revealed in the New Testament.


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