Yes, that 32 page brochure that was the highlight of the 2004 District Convention and focus of two witnessing campaigns since: Keep on the Watch!
Now it will be used for the Congregation Book Study for 5 weeks.
Many have already on the site commented how banal and shallow the reasoning is to this brochure. But just in case you don't have your own copy, the faithless and indiscreet slave (your's trully) has seen fit to share this with you on a weekly basis.
Most of the brochure does not feature study questions, so the Kingdom Ministry (April 2005) has supplied this, and these questions will be included in our weekly study as well.
The material will be presented in its raw form, without commentary. I hope you will be willing to supply that.
So welcome to the book study, JWD style. Hell, with Blondie's WT "Comment's" and this, you could consider yourself a regular meeting attender again (don't worry, no one goes to the Service Meeting/TMS anyway).