Do you have some site to help me? I thing it should be really hard to do this because they are mind-controlled. I mean, even if you bring them logical argument, they won't believe you or the doubt that you have introduced in their mind will dissapear at their next meeting.
Someone has ever tried to get a person out?
by Nicolas 2 Replies latest jw friends
I brought four children in 'da trufe' from birth, three are 'out' and my oldest (who spent the longest 'in') is inactive as is her husband.
It CAN be done!
It Has been done!
It WILL be done!
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!
Also, on the FreeMinds home page is a box on getting JWs out. The key words in the title are "slide show". Click it on. It has some very good ideas.