If the organization is in financial trouble...to the extent they stopped mailing literature and cut back on publishing the Awake magazine...why don't they sell the property they have in New York for a pretty penny, or rent it out and just move the company to a lesser expensive area to do business in...like in the Midwest or something? Or is the location in New York all part and parcel to something in the core beliefs that I'm not aware of?
Speaking of Brooklyn...
by Glofishy 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi, with the installation here in Holland of bankcard-acceptterminals in the watchtower-owned circuitbuildings, they (WTS) showed how despered they are for money. Read my lips: in a few years they will have sold all the buildings in Brooklyn. The WTS had prior 2004 many stocks in JPMorgan Liquid Asset Fund (400.000.000 $) but in 2004 they had only 100.000.000 $ in the JPMorgan Liquid Asset Fund (see SEC report). THE WTS HAS THE SAME PROBLEM AS THE VATICAN: THEY ARE RICH BUT DO'NT HAVE CASH MONEY. I mean with this opinion that just like the vatican they have much buildings but no cash-stream.