Just a bug-bear I had when I was a witness that bothered me in the extreme. I love music but got critsised about the type of music i listened to. Now ive never really been into the big 'bad' two (Rap and Heavy Metal) but i was into alternative british rock music like Oasis, Blur and Radiohead. Now, in the manchester area i know for a fact the young ones were banned from listening to Oasis, mainly because of the members lifestyle, typical rock and roll, sex and drugs and fighting etc. But the very same elders, elderettes etc who were doing the critisising would happily come home and put on some Queen or Elton John (for example)- both famous for extravagant lifestyles, homosexuality, drug taking, alcoholism etc.... so whats is all that about? In reality it was one rule for them and one rule for the 'youngsters'. Did anyone else come across this kind of thing? (can I just add i like Queen and Elton as well!!!)
Musical Taste Hypocrisy
by PaulJ 6 Replies latest jw friends
Yep, typical bullshit. There were pretty much a million reasons why a band could be considered off-limits--name, lyrics, cover art, on-stage performance habits, lifestyle of the musicians, etc. If you applied all those factors thoroughly, I'm sure you could come up with some disqualifier for every band or musician that's ever played. (Even classical composers... Bach was part of Babylon the great, Schubert was an alcholic with veneral disease, etc.) So yeah, it's pretty hypocritical.
It's typical poor family dynamics -- generational war, parents who have given up their personhood in the name of _________, and sucking the energy from their young, instead of the other way around -- the JW cult magnifies it to the level of the most dysfunctional of families.
These same guys, I guarantee it, had to hide their own Queen 8-tracks back in the 70s. Guaranteed.
Hah, I have called this particular BS so many times it's not funny ...
Honesly! What are jw's allowed to listen to?
Does the song need to be like this?
Verse 1.
Oh praise almighty jehovah, the rightous judge.
Who will cast out all the worldly people but spare his faithful slaves.
Praise the watchtower for leading us to the truth.
Oh we have found new light, jehovah's light.
Praise almighty jehovah
Praise almighty jehovah
Praise almighty jehovah
The true god who will judge all.
Verse 2,
Prepare us, prepare us for the end oh almighty jehovah.
We want to live eternity on earth.
Oh almighty jehovah.
Oh jehovah listen to us your faithful slaves, hear our prayers
Our organisation is clean and perfect, we shall remain clean and cast out demons
Oh almighty jehovah
Need my trusty bucket
Oh god there is no way youll catch me listening to a song like that!
I'd rather listen to REAL music
Gee I can't believe that the organistaion would tell you what music to listen to!
(i made up that song on the spot, must be one of the crappiest songs ive ever written!)
My favourite was at a meeting in Wales, when the brother giving the talk said that all music with a beat behind it was wrong, because this could lead to a trance-like state! Classic!
One thing that I lived by was that if something could 'possibly' offend someone else in the truth I wouldnt harp on about it. For example i used to go fishing when i was a kid, something my parents were ok with but some other witnesses wouldnt have liked (sad I know) so I would still do it but I would be discreet about it and not go on about it in the KH. But the thing was with music these same people were activley trying to make a point with their disagreement with our music, actually going out of their way- thats what really annoyed me.