Jack Van Impe Out-seered

by MadApostate 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    Check out this JWZone Thread. True Rutherfordites. Anything and everything fulfills prophecy!!!

    These Dumbasses trying to figure out what countries are north, south, east, and west of other countries sound like Abbot & Costello doing "Who's on first, what's on second".

    The Witness Zone
    Research Station Biblica
    Prophesies headed for final fulfillment???

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    Author Topic: Prophesies headed for final fulfillment??? Unit Commander
    Posts: 449
    From: Greer, SC, USA posted 07-17-2001 05:54 AM

    (1) We wondered who would be King of the North? Russia? China? Looks like maybe both. They signed an impressive treaty yesterday - not a mutual defence treaty, but just about everything else. No missles to be aimed at each other; reduction of troops on common borders, etc. According to the New York Times, an expert on Russian relations described the tready as "an act of friendship against America."'
    (2) Public comments made in conjunction with the meeting indicated a desire to take decisions which effect the world community out of the hand of Washington, and put them in the hands of the U.N.
    (3) Bush's route to winning the election was really wierd - illegal ballots, supreme court decsions. Well, it sure looks like the right guy was elected to percipitate the ascendency of the U.N. Bush has managed to antagonize almost every ally. Relations with both Russia and China are severely deteriorated. The U.N. showed its displeasure at Bush's policies by removing the U.S. from two prominent U.N. committees, including the one which advocates human rights.
    (4) It is looking more and more like the ONLY possible way to stop the fighting in the Middle East would be U.N. intervention.
    Listening to the news is quite interesting these days...

    Security Officer
    Posts: 67
    From: Maryland, USA posted 07-17-2001 07:05 AM

    Quite fascinating to contemplate! Isn't it amazing how things just appear to "happen" --but we can appreciate how the Grand Director is behind these historical events, causing them to lead inevitably to His great and final conclusion.
    And even if this situation is not a prelude to the End, it will come, sooner or later.
    "Raise your eyes high up and see..." (Isaiah 40:26)

    Posts: 96
    From: Sparta,Il. United States posted 07-17-2001 12:16 PM

    Thanks for drawing attention to the article PeterJ!
    A rather pointed statement in the article is that any aggression or pressure from external forces REQUIRES a response from both.
    http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nyt/20010717/ts/russia_and_china_sign_friendship_pact_1. html
    It is as benadam says as to whether this is a prelude to the End that it will come sooner or later!
    Romans 1:20
    [Message changed by dufus on 07-17-2001]

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 376
    From: Central NY, USA posted 07-17-2001 12:46 PM

    Interesting observations PeterJ! Thanks Major Dufus for your link too. I briefly saw the China-Russia pact yesterday on the news but didn't catch its import until now.
    Regarding the King of the North, according to Dan. 11:44-45, his last manifestation will need to satisfy two criteria: 1) In rivalry with the King of the South and 2) Taking some sort of lead in attacking Jehovah's people. So Russia is currently a good candidate. Just look at the endless Moscow civil case. We won it once, but now they're still dragging it out.
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)
    [Message changed by Jimspace3000 on 07-18-2001]

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 301
    From: Oklahoma posted 07-17-2001 09:19 PM

    Regarding the King of the North, according to Dan. 11:44-45, his last manifestation will need to satisfy to criteria: 1) In rivalry with the King of the South and 2) Taking some sort of lead in attacking Jehovah's people.
    Can't overlook China for those two criteria either. The climate in mainland China has been consistently hostile toward Jehovah's people, and religion in general, for many, many years now.

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 376
    From: Central NY, USA posted 07-18-2001 09:05 AM

    Good point. Interestingly, the King of the North has been migrating East. When Rome annexed Greek Syria, it "migrated" West. But when Rome was succeeded by the Germanic Holy Roman Empire, it migrated East. And this migration continued when East Germany was taken over by the Soviet Union/Communist Bloc. So it wouldn't be surprising if this eastern migration continued with Russia and/or China.
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)

    Security Officer
    Posts: 553
    From: Tennessee posted 07-18-2001 09:31 AM

    Moving this thread to the Research Station Biblica area.

    Posts: 1015
    From: York,SC,USA posted 07-18-2001 12:44 PM

    For prior discussions of similar information looky here . Red is the Color of Communist Socialism.
    See the ridges >>>:-)

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 376
    From: Central NY, USA posted 07-18-2001 10:26 PM

    Thanks Chorgh. I think some threads are better left undisturbed! That thread I think is no exception. (IMHO)
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)

    Security Officer
    Jesse Glick
    Posts: 401
    From: New York City posted 07-22-2001 01:55 PM

    Slight correction. When it moved from Italy to Germany, the King of the North did not migrate eastward, but rather northward.

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 376
    From: Central NY, USA posted 07-23-2001 12:49 PM

    Good point. However, since Rome controlled France, and Germany is east of France,... I think you get my point.
    If anything, it was still going east, even if it did have to geographically go north to get to Germany. East was still the general direction. Have a nice day!
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)
    [Message changed by Jimspace3000 on 07-23-2001]

    Chief Engineer
    Posts: 2000
    From: New York, NY, USA posted 07-23-2001 12:57 PM

    Well, Germany also controlled France... so by that argument, it was going west from Rome to France...
    Seriously, the general direction did indeed have an easterly tilt.
    All your office document are belong to us. -- Microsoft's new slogan

    Security Officer
    Jesse Glick
    Posts: 401
    From: New York City posted 07-24-2001 01:31 PM

    Rome also controlled Babylon, which is east of Moscow. In fact, European Russia (the most populous part) is from due north to northwestward of Syria. The movemets were thus:
    Syria to Rome: west
    Rome to Germany: north
    Germany to Russia: east
    Net movement (Syria to Russia): north.
    While history does suggest some form of geographic continuity in movements of the King of the North, there is really no continuous pattern of movement that might give us any clue.

    Unit Commander
    Posts: 376
    From: Central NY, USA posted 07-24-2001 04:30 PM

    I see my mistake now. I was thinking in terms of the Holy Roman Empire which was an interim King of the North. This lost Rome and its seat of power shifted from France to Germany. Here's a map:
    So the seat of power went north-west to France and then shifted east to Germany, then to Est Germany/Communist Bloc.
    Let's keep an eye on the news to see where it shifts next. Who knows?
    Live long and prosper,
    Jim (JS3K)
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