It's 12:43 am. Do you know where your sanity is????

by JV 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JV

    I was this close to paying .99 cents for the new Dave Matthews song "American Baby" but i found an uncorrupted version on Limewire, Thank God, phew that was a close one...... I can't help but wonder how my life would be different if i wasn't involved with the jw's, I'm an all or nothing kinda guy, this sort of in sort of out state i'm in is really frustrating me. I've been thinking lately about life bjwce (before jehovahs witness common era) There was this feeling of endless possibilites like anything could happen, sorta of like when you're a kid and you can be anything you want like president (but we all know you're last name has to be bush to be president, Go JEB!!! 2008!) call it what you will that's just how i felt. Not long after I became involved with the jw's that optimism sort of vanished. This overwhelming feeling of "That's It?" "this is what i'm going to be doing for the rest of my life?" "5 meetings a week, week after week?" came over me, there's something to be said for the unknown. Whenever i'm giving talks i see it in the peoples eyes this overwhelming sense of boredom, or could i be a shitty speaker? Variety is the spice of life and if you're a jw it's the same old boring thing week after week. Well if i've bored you with this pointless thread blame Dave Matthews and his damn introspective rock music, making me think about life, where the hell does he get off???


  • Eyebrow2

    Sanity? What is this SANITY you speak of???
    never heard of it, and neither has any of the voices in my head.

  • EvilForce

    Isn't it the Sanity and Colmes show on FOX? That uber Bush lovin Fox newscast?

    JV, they mentally neuter you so that you become a mindless drone for the borg. Independant thought is futile. Free thought is a tool of Satan.....blah, blah, blah. LIfe is truly amazing, and you CAN do almost anything you set your mind to. But in DubDum they have to remind you how awful life is and why it will be so much better when Jehoba detroys 6 billion people.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Ah JV, I get such a kick out of you! But at the same time, how I wish you would just allow yourself to let it all go. That optimism can return to you once you walk away. That's what happened to me! From basic hopelessness and a sense of humankind's futility to what you described you felt pre-jw-lobotomy.

    You can unlearn it! I did. It's great.

    But keep writing! I enjoy it. I love your commentaries on the meetings. They're awesome. I just hate for you to have to suffer for my entertainment.

  • JV

    Seeit, i should have my meeting report by this weekend. I guess i'm just a sucker for punishment

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