Yesterday I linked to a web site that left me spellbound! Here on JWD you can read as many profiles and testimonies as you like about life in the "truth", but yesterday I linked to: and heard real life heart wrenching tales of misery and abuse.
I really recommend to all that you have a listen, especially those "still in" JW's trying to decide what to do. It puts a human touch to the tragic life many have had to lead. Hearing emotion in a grown mans voice peak, untill he breaks down sobbing, rams home the fact that the cheery witness way of life is all smoke and mirrors.
Last night I downloaded 3 testimonies, and saved them onto a CD. I listened to them in the can on the way to and from work today, and it was just the things i needed to hear to help me resolve to never go back.
Floyd Erwin and Tom McGovern are fantastic speakers. I definately recommend listening.
Thank you to TOWERMAN for providing the link in his thread yesterday.