Now I have heard everything. Just talking to an Elder I work with about the filibuster deal in the US Senate. He told me that the Republican's caving in to the Democrats gives the Dem.'s more power now. Which is true. Then he said the Dem.'s in general love the UN and are for the most part against organized religion. This move to strengthen them makes it easier for them to start a war on religion bringing on the big "A". Has anyone else heard this? It seems they are trying to reach for anything!!
JW's and the "filibuster deal"
by jula71 8 Replies latest jw friends
This guy sounds like a CRACKPOT! I HATE those types that think everything refers to Watchtower prophecy being fulfilled. This one takes the cake, though.
Same people saving this are the ones who were at the meeting Sept 13th, 2001 talking about the store tower parable being a prophecy...
The tsunami was them talking about the sign of the time of the end...
Such BS.
Grasping at straws.
You should ask him why he even has an opinion. He should believe both parties are part of "this old system" and wait on his God. Sounds like he has some republican leanings to me.
Yeah. A Republican elder.
good pick up guys....hehehe
He tells me both sides are part of Satan's system but the Dem's are just "more" wrong.
Yeah. A Republican elder.
This coming from a Republican ex-elder
So what? Most "christian" fundamentalists think that Bush is the man to help bring on whatever version of Armageddon that they ascribe to. They aren't any different than the Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons of the world. I wouldn't give a mouthful of warm spit for any of them.