Hi there, just wanted to let off some steam. My brother's girlfriend is getting induced right now, for absolutely no reason. She was due on Monday & went in on Monday night to get gel. That didn't work, so this morning they broke her waters & put her on drip. Whatever happened to letting nature take its course. She says she's going to ask for an epidural soon. She'll end up giving birth drugged up & with her feet in stirrups. I am upset because I had an unnecessary induction & it was awful, & I told her not to & she didn't even listen to me at all. It is just so stupid. I don't even think I can go in to see them, I feel so upset about it all. I know it's not about me, & I'll put a smile on my face later today, but I just wanted to vent. Thanks!
Vent about induction
by JW83 5 Replies latest social family
This is a good place to vent, 83.
It's hard, I know, to see someone go through something unpleasant, and possibly avoidable, that you have also been through and are unable to prevent happening again.
I know you know you have to let it go and surrender others to their own choices and experiences so I hope venting has helped you to do that.
I hope the best for your sister and her baby...and peace for you.
I hope things go well for her! I never understood induction either when it's not for a medical reason or someone is really overdue.
I was induced with my first son, and he ended up being a C-section...my only one born that way. They wanted him out because they figured he weighed over 9 lbs...turns out he was 10lbs 4oz, and I couldn't push his big head out, hence the section. But, I've always wondered if they had let me go into labor on my own (I was actually in early labor when I went in for the scheduled induction) if my body would have known what to do by itself. My second son was over 9lbs, but he had the same size head. I went into labor on my own 3 days late, and no section that time..he came right out. My third son, I was in labor without contractions (sounds good, huh? lol) I was dilated to 6cm and in no pain at all until they decided to give me that darn pitocin just so they could see something on their monitors. Sadistic bastards they are.
I hope your little neice or nephew is here soon and healthy! Congratulations, Auntie! -
I'm sure the principle of informed consent applies equally in Australia as it does in North America. Every patient has the right to know why a certain medical procedure is being offered to them, and what other options are available to them.
If she didn't consent to the induction (expressed verbally or in writing; or implied by assuming the required position), they wouldn't have been able to insert the gel.
Thanks guys! My sister-in-law agreed with the induction - through naivety, more than anything. They thought the baby might be big but he was only 8 pounds something. Not that big at all! She ended up getting him vacuumed out last night - he is beautiful & healthy, so that's all that matters now! She seemed good, too, in much better spirits than I was after my induction, so all's well that ends well, I guess!
Hey Jayne, what's this about 8 pounds!!!