I work at a college and just got as a new advisee a young JW woman. She came to freshmen registration by herself which surprised me because in her application letter she said throughout her school years her mother impressed on her and her sibs how important education is and that they would be the first in the family to go to college and they would go to college. Also, she said that her father was self-employed in construction but that her mother was not employed (so free to accompany daughter to this very exciting day, no?) She didn't mention that she was a JW in her letter, but the person who wrote her recommendation letter did. And said something like "she doesn't push but is happy to talk about her religion."
At any rate, she came in a t-shirt and shorts. Not provocative, just ordinary teenager. She certainly was at ease talking to me. Some of her choices surprised me (jazz dance, selling sex in America) so I got a little naughty and suggested Yoga (to go with the dance)--that she wasn't having any of! But she didn't say no, she just kept staring at the book and suggested something else.
I encouraged her to stay with liberal arts courses at first as she would have plenty of time for her major (business) and she happily agreed.
I will probably remain her advisor. Any advice from you for how I might be most useful to her?
by kgfreeperson 5 Replies latest jw friends
I think what you are doing is fine! You are being observant, listening, and testing the limits here and there. She seems to be a fairly open girl, so she will likely come forward with something JW in the future. When she brings it up, how about starting with something like "I did study with the JW's briefly, but I had some major concerns." Let her do the asking. That way, she can't accuse you later of proselytizing.
Encouraging general liberal arts is good. That will help expand her mind.
The hands-down best thing I ever did in my entire life to deborgify myself was to take Philosophy 101 and Philosophy of Ethics. Helps to deprogram. Can you get her to take that, if she isn't already?
I'd have to agree with everyone else. You are doing great! Just continue testing the boundries gently. It sounds like her family are certainly more open than most. College alone is a great step so the doorway is there!
Knowledge levels the playing field and is death to the borg.
Peace be yours,
Thanks! Definitely philosophy courses (there is a "critical thinking" requirement and I'll try to steer her away from things like systems analysis and into intro to philosophy. I wish we had a biblical history course--though it would probably take me years to entice her into that!