I was reading earlier on on the freeminds site about whether people were happy now they've finally left the JW org.
One person was saying that he realised they were all 'hollow people' who would disappear like a puff of smoke if he took a step wrong.
I sat there thinking, yes, I am very happy now. But I remember a few years ago sitting, shaking and crying a counsellors office distressed because all my 'friends' and relatives were never going to have anything to do with me again if I left the bOrg.
It has taken three years and yes, non of my 'friends' have anything to do with me or my family and relatives have cut down their contact to the bare essentials. Usually just my parents ring if they need something doing, which is fair enough really.
But I've finally said goodbye to the 'Hollow people' and I am very, very happy.
I hope anyone who is having doubts about leaving the WTBTS will take the bull by the horns and take that step.
It may be rough to start with but happiness lies ahead.
Good luck all.