I mean, when I read something of the WatchTower, I still have sometime this old fear of Armaggeddon. I don't know why I have this fear since I found a lot of proofs that they aren't the true religion. Sometime, I would like to erase all these bad things that me and my family had in the jw and begin again but unfortunately, it's impossible. Satan really try a lot of things to bring me back on the WatchTower he he. At least, I'm lucky to be only 18 years old, so I didn't wasted to much years in this org.
How many time did you take to be cured?
by Nicolas 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi, welcome to the board. I don't know if we're ever completely cured. The effects of the WT Society's indoctrination linger for years and decades.
However, we can (little by little) begin to leave some of it behind as time goes on, as we gain new friends and new confidence, as new habits replace old JW traditions.
The "fear of Armageddon", or the fear that we are wrong for leaving the slavery of the JW religion is very common. But the fear passes away too. As we develop our own belief systems, either we veer away from God (and therefore there is no future Armageddon to fear), or we adjust our view of God, seeing that he is far more loving and concerned about us than we were taught, and that the morbid fear of Armageddon/eternal death is NOT something God wants us to have.
Best wishes in your journey, Nicolas. I hope you keep posting out here your thoughts and concerns, many folks on the board have ideas and thoughts that will help you put the JW experience behind you.
GopherEven if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers (1879-1935) -
Welcome to the board! No, I don't think you can be completely cured, but I can say it DOES get better! I was 19 when I left and it was SOOO hard! But I've learned to live without my family and move beyond the traumu the WTS created in my young life. My prayers are with you!
I can completely understand how you feel. After being df'ed for over 22 years, I still suffer at times, from the indoctrination of the WTS and my upbringing.
It does get easier as time goes on. Hang in there.Remember - "To find yourself, thnk for yourself."
Reverend Roy
"Why is it when we talk to God we're praying - but when God talks to us, we're schizophrenic?"
- Stop in at Reverend Roy's Voodoo Lounge where nothing is sacred: http://www.geocities.com/reverendroysvoodoolounge/ -
I understand completely. I agree with the other posters. It never truly completely goes away. What is in your mind and experiences can never be erased. I left at the age of 17. And now, 12 years later at the age of 28 I still have left over fears that are founded on nothing. I know the religion is false. But being raised with their conditioning, it's taken me literally all of these years to get past most of that conditioning. All I can say is places like this and talking to others that have been in my place has been the best healing tool for me.
I wish you the best,
Stacey -
Hi Nicolas,
It took years for me to let go for the whole Armageddom fear.
For the most part, the fear is gone. It gets better as time goes by, and it WILL go by!
Welcome Nicolas!
Hi again Nicolas,
If you keep reading and learning about the bible, your former belief systems, asking questions of yourself...you will come to some conclusions. I myself came to my own answers, and for me the belief in Armageddon is now as incredibly impossible to believe as it once used to be to believe in burning hell. See the correlation? It is just another guilt and fear motivation used by religion to control people. I wish you luck in your search for your own answers.
"When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?
Hi Nicolas,
I liked think41self's comment. I use to worry about burning in hell, now I don't, but I must admit that I didn't worry about Hell the way I worried about Armageddon. When I was a Catholic I only thought of Hell when I committed a major sin. When I was a Witness I was worried about being destroyed all the time. I think it will just take time.....jurs