What is UP with Meetup.com????

by Eyebrow2 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2

    I joined the Meetup thing for Dallas/Plano area xjws a while ago. I haven't checked it out in a while...since the only meeting I ever saw planned on that site was canceled. Anyhoo, I got an email from meetup.com talking about people becoming organizers for their meet up group. So I go to the group...I guess now someone has to pay $19 a MONTH!!!! in order to have the old meet up service.

    Hey, I can understand a fee...but $19 a month? Now if we got tshirts, frisbies and bumpstickers...hey that would be different. SHEESH!

    Makes me appreciate this board all the more.

  • SallySue

    Nineteen dollars a month???? You gotta be kidding!!!!

    Our meetup here in Oklahoma never got off the ground so I just stopped going to the site.

    No way would I pay that.

    Yes, I really appreciate THIS site too.

  • TresHappy

    Everything that I joined for free two years ago now want to charge me...like classmates.com. You can join for free but to leave e-mails for old friends you have to go "gold" and pay....

  • orangefatcat

    I hear you Tres Happy, I love classmate.com too, but I think it stinks that you have to pay to meet up with old school chums. Cyber rip off thats what it is ..

    Meet-up was I thought 9 dollars the prize went up. As the organizer you collect a fee from everyone but its divided up not everyone has to pay 9 dollars each. So like if nine people show up its only $1.00

    Still some nice freebies would be cool, like Eyebrow 2 said.

    Everyone just sees the


  • Eyebrow2

    I can understand them going fee based: when there is some monetary value attached to it, sometimes people will take it more serious. And if an organizer kicks in some money, they are probably going to be a lot more proactive about getting people to the meetings, etc.

    I think 19 bucks a month is a bit too steep though, I really do. They are much more expensive than classmates.com. I haven't gone to the paid membership just yet, but probably will in the next year or so, since my 20th year reunion will be in 2009. I would love to catch up with some of my old high school buds.

    Anyhoo....glad to see I am not alone in feeling this way.

  • Sassy

    I have heard half the time the Meetup doesn't have enough people to do anything.. sounds crazy to pay for that

  • Rabbit

    I've been a member of both the Ft.Worth & Dallas Meet-ups, they always had this stupid '5' person rule, you had to have that many confirmed or -- it would be canceled.

    Later, I think it went to 3, but now they want a fee for something that never worked to begin with.

    rabbit (sumpin's vewwy, vewwy scuwwy with th' font above, doc)

  • Kenneson

    There were only 3 in our group and it never go off the ground. The new organizer stepped down as soon as the money factor came into play. I don't expect they're going to make a "killing."

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