Well, it's late Sunday night and fixing to be bedtime for me. Just had to type some more.
First and foremost:
Troubled. How are you doing? I may have missed some posts, so tell me you are better ok?
Nice to see the "race war" subsiding here.
I gathered from one of his posts that Fred likes cats. Well, Fred, so do I. Wonderful pets. I don't have any now but you made me want another one so badly. I used to have some, one a bobtail manx named Amazon. One of her kittens was a huge solid black long haired bobtail named Bear.
Danny it was nice to hear from you on the phone. Seeing as we both enjoy cooking, I'll tell you that I grilled lobster tail tonight. Melted some butter with lemon and orange peel mixed in and poured it over the tails on the grill. Added Jack Daniels wood smoking chips to the fire, they make excellent smoke.
I'll be building a computer soon and will be able to finally hit this board's chat room. Planning on a 1ghz machine with a video card that will let me use my tv for a monitor and avoid the back pain from those awful computer desk chairs.
Slayer, I'll take your advice and go see Planet of the Apes on the big screen. By the way, Enemy at the Gates is out on video next month and I can't wait. From what I understand it is based on a historical account from WWII, I saw this on the History Channel so it ought to be pretty awesome.
Well, time for bed so I'll leave with some humor.
What does Dale Earnheardt have in common with Pink Floyd?
Their last big hit was "The Wall".
'night all!
"Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!