
by noidea 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    The drama for 2001 was a retake of the drama of 1981,
    In regards to speaking out against Jehovah's mouthpiece. Those who mummered against Moses vs those that mummer against the org. I was wondering if the 1981 Drama was because of the happenings of Ray Franz? Does anyone have any insider information on this?
    Of course, those who mummered against Moses all ended up in death. It was put more or less that if we mummer against the org. guess what will happen. How about that for keeping the JW's in line, nothing like the arm behind the back routine. It really made me second guess my doubts (the fear of death and all) so I thought I would come and check in for a little apostate R&R. Does anyone remember the drama of 1981?

    Another point that was brought out was that Jehovah will take care of all situations in his due time. So if we know about any wrongdoing of elders not to worry about trying to bring it forward Jehovah will take care of it. Funny, I always thought that if we know of wrongdoing that it was our responsibility to come forward. That our service to Jehovah would be rendered a bad sacrifice to him if we cover over a wrongdoing. I forgot about the double standard. I must make a mental note of this.

  • metatron

    Double standard, you bet!

    The Society should just "keep silent" and pray to Jehovah
    for help everytime they get sued. It's the right thing to
    do. He'll intervene in some miraculous way, just like Moses.

    Yeah, right


  • zev

    in the words of the famous emeril.....

    you hit it. i remember the 81 drama.

    i saw this years.

    the one thing i gained from going to another kult borg driven mindfest was deeper coviction that this isn't the "truth".

    more so now than ever.


    god spoke to moses. he was present, undeniable evidence existed. it was recording in a history book caled the bible. most of us still believe it.

    does god speak to whatever/whoever is in kuntrol of the wtbts today?
    i've not heard it "said" persay, but damn, they almost make you think so, dont they, with the guilt trips they lay on you.

    weather or not -- whatever happens god will punish these evil men for what they've done, the people they've hurt and the bloodguilt will rest on their shoulders. sucks to be them.

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • TD

    Hello noidea,

    Does anyone remember the drama of 1981?

    Yes. Actually the '81 drama was a remake of a much longer 1974 drama. In all three presentations, the overall message was exactly the same -- an attempt by the organization to cloak itself with a level of authority comparable to that of Moses while minimizing the fact that Moses was given credentials commensurate with the claim.

    In my opinion, the 2001 attempt was by far the most egregious in this respect.


  • Maximus

    The original 1974 drama was written by Ed Dunlap, Gilead instructor. Maybe it's failing memory but my recollection is of a far more subtle presentation originally, then the next one was a twist of no little irony because of Ed's dismissal from Bethel. The 1981 dichotomy is well described by TD. The lines were not very subtle but stretched to fit the times.

    Did not catch this year's, but it is described as coarse, blunt, "idiotic," and very transparent. (One wag described it as "the Jaracz' snarl at its finest.") At least to those who correspond with me, it clearly signaled the difficulty the hierarchy of "glorious ones" is facing.

    I initiated a thread on the km position on college, as some will remember. I've had numerous letters to the effect that the SM program actually had the opposite effect, of pointing up the need for some kind of higher education! In one congregation the only person qualified to play the part of the kid was a person already going to college!


  • NotBlind

    I saw the drama, and it was pretty bad. No action AT ALL, just a very large cast (most of whom had no speaking parts), walking around the stage and talking.

    No props, no decent acting, NOTHING! Just a couple of rustic benches.

    The only semi-'exciting' part was when the bad guys got swallowed up by the earth. Most of the audience actually laughed (as I did) because they simply danced around and fell down on the ground! Only the WT could take such a serious lesson and turn it into a JOKE!

    And, as if the drama weren't enough, the audience had to sit through a boring talk telling them what the drama was about (since most were ASLEEP during the drama, anyway). Heck, when I heard that talk get started, I knew it was TIME FOR LUNCH! I went to the fast food joint across the street and beat the crowd by a whole 25 minutes!

  • Moxy

    actually maximus, i _was_ personally suprised at your thread on the SM education article and the negative reaction you mentioned it received from other elders and COs (if i recall correctly) because it didnt really seem to me to present anything different than the last major article on the subject. in fact, it seemed general enough that the actual presentation could legitimately come down on either side of the college issue depending on the 'local needs.' it our hall it was actually presented as a abbreviated talk with no demo due to DC schedule revisions. the substance of it seemed pretty general in this case with no unambivalent suggestions about specific education.


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