Mean joke, I say

by Fatfreek 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fatfreek

    A friend told me that when he gets bored he fills out that form at the WT site for "free home bible study". The one at:

    I asked him how many times have they contacted you? "Oh, it's not for me. I get random names and addresses from this web site . He says, "But I leave the phone number blank". I asked him why and he said he didn't know why.

    Isn't this a practical joke that could end up wasting a publisher's precious time?

  • bikerchic


    Isn't this a practical joke that could end up wasting a publisher's precious time?

    I wouldn't worry about the publisher but I would worry about the householder or person who might get suckered into this damn cult!!!!!!!!

  • Dan-O

    A buddy of mine & I used to do stuff like that to each other in high school. And then we'd bastardize each other's names in the process ... so, for example, I'd get recruiting materials from an all-girls college addressed to "Danielle", and so forth. One time I opened the mailbox to find something addressed to "Phuck U. Dan", or something like that. Plug that into your bible study request. *LOL*

  • EvilForce

    Nah, it's funny...besides they are out knocking on doors anyway... they get to count their time which is all they are after anyway....

  • the_classicist
    A buddy of mine & I used to do stuff like that to each other in high school. And then we'd bastardize each other's names in the process ... so, for example, I'd get recruiting materials from an all-girls college addressed to "Danielle", and so forth. One time I opened the mailbox to find something addressed to "Phuck U. Dan", or something like that. Plug that into your bible study request. *LOL*

    Not as funny as signing a friend up for the South African Communist Party

  • Es

    Haha thats great heheh i would do that to people i dont like but i would make sure i put there number in lol. es

  • Evanescence

    HA HA HA!!!

    Well I don't need to worry about that joke because I don't live in the USA!

    Gawd! If I had a jw study group knock on my door...........


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Yeah, but that's just adding to the number of hours that are reported preaching the good news.
    Then Brooklyn will say, "See, we have Jehovah's blessing, look how many hours are spent preaching. Surely Armegeddon is around the corner".

    Oh wait...they will say that anyway.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Isn't this a practical joke that could end up wasting a publisher's precious time?

    Yes, and that's why it would be a very very very very very bad thing for any misguided apostate to do.

    Wasting Jehovhaha's time like that!

    What was he thinking?


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