Jesus and Marijuana

by skyman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyman
    Take a google ride and put down Marijuana and Jesus. You will get all the answers. Or just click on the link cannabis was the active Ingredient. Not only do we have the bible record that proves this we have the holy oils that have been dug up from the time of jesus and before which tests have found some of the most potent marijuana oil even for today you could find. It is not a matter of if. Jesus did.

    Now thank of all the JW's this would blow up. I personnaly have have dozens of brothers try to prove this wrong. But every single one has had to admit the truth. I love it how self rightous we all are. I have never touched the stuff. But if you want to be Christ like you had better buy you some. Also the incense candles that they used had marijuana in them. So take a big breath of fresh air and take the google ride.

    Have fun on your trip.
  • bikerchic

    Oh boy first I guess you have to believe that Jesus really lived eh?

  • the_classicist

    Its a bit of a stupid arguement. For one thing, Jesus wasn't a Levite. For another thing, not all members of the genus cannabis are marijuana. Thirdly, they used the annointing oils for annointing, not consumption.

  • skyman

    Obviously you have not looked up the information have you. The oils they have dug up have it in it. Plus the bible say jesus used anointing oils.

  • the_classicist

    Really, you don't seem to realise that they didn't use annoting oils for consumption. It was for annointing.

  • EvilForce

    I use hemp soap for the shower.....and I have hemp .... for my own annointing....

  • skyman


    Really, you don't seem to realise that they didn't use annoting oils for consumption. It was for annointing.

    Who said anything about consumption I most certianly did not. Jesus used it on the head so the saying anointing oil. By the way this is a faster rout of entery than eating or smoking.

  • the_classicist
    Jesus used it on the head so the saying anointing oil. By the way this is a faster rout of entery than eating or smoking.

    I've never known a single person to get high using oil, and I live in Vansterdam.

    I would also like to point out that cannabis thousands of years ago had lower concentrations of THC. Even marijuana from the 1960's is not as strong as it is today.

    Given that 1) marijuana was less potent then, 2) it is almost impossible to get high by smelling oils (much less 2nd-hand marijuana smoke, unless it is completely saturating), it is impossible to say that they used 'haneh-bosm' for the mystical purposes that most people use marijuana for.

    I don't think we can trust an article that says:

    Jesus was called the Christ because he violated the Old Testament taboo on the cannabis oil and distributed it freely for initiation rites and to heal the sick and wounded.
    Proof? These guys are just as bad as the Marijuana Party, so completely marijuano-centric that they can't see reason throught the smoke.
  • skyman

    Look up the information. That is take the google ride or yahoo or what ever search you want. No matter which one you choose it is there. All other religions use drugs and so did the Jews which Jesus was he died a Jew.

  • skyman

    Also have you ever made your own oils like rosmary oil cinamon the process make it stronger...

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