I've been hearing about these Apastafests, and they sound so cool, I wish we could have one here in Montana. mabey in Billings. Anyone else in Montana? And how do you start one?
It sure would be cool if we could have an apostafest in Montana!
by embeth2525 8 Replies latest jw friends
well, thanks for ignoring me
I live in Calgary, I'd be up for carpooling with some canucks up here down to Montana.
hey embeth,
looks like some people don't get onto the board until monday morning when they are at work, lol!
i would be up for car-pooling too. and a beautiful drive it is! i keep hearing about these apostafests too, and wondering when we are going to get some up here in canukistan. anyways, ya, i think the best thing to do would be to start swapping dates around to see what works.
Thanks for the info, I guess I'm just impatient, it would be cool.
not in the wintertine I hope
embeth2525, I no longer live in Montana, but I lived in Chinook until I was 18. Where do you live? Do you know any Brinkmans or Rasmussen? They make up the majority of the Chinook cong. I'm living in Mexico, but I'd seriously consider going to Montana for an aposofest.
Great state, Montana, but sparsely populated.
No trip through Montana this year.
It would have to be in the summertime definately! I live in Billings, which is a fairly large town, I think it is the biggest city in Montana, but I could be wrong. I live on the edge of town, and sometimes deer run through the nieboorhood. Across the street from me is this field and a big Pheasant lives there, sometimes he wakes me up at night with his screeching! anyway, thanks for answering me!