My daughter is cleaning out the spare bedroom and found a box of my old jw books, so I began looking through them...agggggg! those terrible pictures of paradise with the women wearing high heeled shoes!! That always really got to me. ugg why would anyone wear high heeled shoes in the grass. and that book for children, now I know what that one poster meant by all the death and destruction in it eeeek! Thanks for letting me vent. Now to figure what to do with these things. Embeth
found a bunch of jw books
by embeth2525 6 Replies latest jw friends
you should keep them to remind yourself of why you are no longer a witness
Any loose watchtowers from the late 80s? Not bound volumes.
You should burn them. They might be demonized.
high-heeled shoes? Yeesh........wait a sec, what color?
- Preston
Sell them on Ebay or send them to me. Seriously.
I'm a glutton for punishment.
Yeah I think I'll keep them so I can look through them when I need a reminder as to why I'm not in any more especially the revelations book aaaaggggggg! hahahahha!