What is the Watchtower's position on space exploration? Its not addressed at my hall but according to my aunt its the Devil. My mother says the total opposite. Both have been baptised for many years.
Watchtower and NASA
by homme perdu 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That is a very interesting question!
I always thought it was a case of admiration for technological marvels vs a snide arrogant assumption that nothing that man achieves will mean anything anyway - cos you're all GONNA DIE!!
*** g92 9/8 pp. 11-12 Space Exploration—What Does the Future Hold? ***
One question many ask is, What are the benefits for mankind from all this tremendous effort and expense to explore outer space?
A NASA publication says that during the span of the last three decades, "more than 300 launches [of unmanned craft] were conducted for programs ranging from solar system exploration to improved weather forecasting, global communications and Earth resources studies." Have the results justified the vast amounts of money poured into these programs? NASA asserts that they "have more than repaid the nation’s investment in time, money and technical talent." NASA further justifies the expense by saying: "About 130,000 Americans are employed because of the space program conducting research to improve fire-resistant fabrics and paint, smaller and longer lasting radios and TVs, tougher plastics, stronger adhesives, electronic monitoring systems for hospital patients, improved computer technology, as well as other areas of research."
Another peripheral benefit of the space program is the more detailed mapping of the earth’s surface, and even below the earth’s surface. The second shuttle flight included an experiment "using a relatively primitive optical recorder." It "was supposed to be a simple geological survey using ground-imaging radar." (Prescription for Disaster, by J. J. Trento) But there was an unexpected payoff. "When the ship returned and the images . . . were processed, the roads and streets of an ancient city buried by the sands of the Sahara were revealed. A lost civilization was discovered." Moreover, there is another benefit that affects all of us.
Will the Weather Be?The daily weather forecast, with maps and visual aids, is something most people with a TV now take for granted. Yet, how it changes our ability to plan for each day! Usually, if there is going to be a storm or it is going to rain or snow, you will know hours ahead of time—thanks to the weather satellites out there in earth orbit.
For the last 30 years, meteorological satellites have been transmitting information on the earth’s weather. A NASA publication states: "These satellites not only make it possible to understand our environment better, they also help to protect us from its dangers." It notes further that in 1969 a hurricane struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast, causing property damage worth $1.4 billion. "Yet, thanks to weather satellite forecast, only 256 people lost their lives, and most of these could have been spared if they had heeded the early warnings to evacuate the area." Surely, these benefits could be applied to other parts of the earth that regularly suffer from the deadly effects of monsoons and storms.
g92 9/8 pp. 13-14 Space Exploration—What Does the Future Hold? ***Will
Man Ever Reach the Planets?The famous American Star Trek films have whetted the appetite of millions for space travel. What are the future prospects for manned exploration of other planets? There are two perspectives to be taken into account—the human and the divine. After all, the Bible says that Jehovah is "the Maker of heaven and earth. As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men."—Psalm 115:15, 16; Genesis 1:1.
We have already seen that many scientists are optimistic about mankind’s ability to reach Mars and settle on it. Human curiosity and a yearning for knowledge will no doubt continue to impel men and women to expand the frontiers of discovery. One of the purposes of the Hubble Space Telescope, according to a NASA fact sheet, is to "search for other worlds, other galaxies and the very origins of the universe itself." NASA also states: "The outlook for space activities in the 21st century is exciting and challenging. We can envision such important achievements as industries operating in orbit, Moon bases, and manned expeditions to Mars. Now that the space frontier has been crossed, there is no turning back."
What can be said from a Biblical viewpoint? True, man was told by God to ‘multiply and fill the earth.’ (Genesis 1:28) At the same time, he was given intelligence and an insatiable desire to know more about his context, including the biosphere, the stratosphere, and beyond. That context includes our tiny solar system and the stars beyond. Thus, King David was inspired to write some three thousand years ago: "When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?"—Psalm 8:3, 4.
The Hubble telescope recently transmitted an image of the giant galaxy M87. It was described as a blob of light that consists of two trillion stars! Can you imagine that figure? How far away is M87? Fifty-two million light-years from earth—"relatively close on the intergalactic distance scale!" Let’s face it, man and the earth are so infinitesimal compared to the unimaginable vastness of universal space! What Jehovah is doing and will do in all that endless space is beyond our present comprehension. Regardless of man’s ambitions for outer space, an issue has been raised on our planet that must first be settled by God’s intervention.—Revelation 16:14-16.
to Be SettledThe issue is the choice between rule by God and rule by Satan. That is why Jehovah’s Witnesses are proclaiming worldwide that God must soon take action to cleanse the earth of wickedness, corruption, murder, violence, and war.—Mark 13:10; 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Astronauts who have peered down upon our earth from hundreds of miles out in space have marveled at the beauty of this planetary jewel. Viewed from high up, the earth shows no political boundaries to divide and separate. It is just one beautiful, global home for the human family. Yet, here we have a world full of greed, envy, lies, exploitation, injustice, terror, fear, crime, and violence. What do mankind need to bring them to their senses?
The Bible shows that Jehovah God, earth’s Maker and Landlord, will soon take action against this planet’s unruly and unrulable tenants. Only the truly meek will be left to inherit the earth. Then only will we get to see what further purposes God has in mind for an obedient human family.—Psalm 37:11, 29; Revelation 11:18; 16:14-16.
homme perdu
The issue is the choice between rule by God and rule by Satan. That is why Jehovah’s Witnesses are proclaiming worldwide that God must soon take action to cleanse the earth of wickedness, corruption, murder, violence, and war.—Mark 13:10; 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Doesnt every article end with this?
Doesnt every article end with this?
Every Awake article does because it is the only way they can tie the Bible into the topics presented. Remember these have to be Bible-based magazines.
The WTS has never come out in recent years against the space program. They might hint that the large amount of money spent could be spent helping the general populace deal with hunger and poverty. But then they could say that about the military programs and be getting themselves into hot water with the government.
I'm sure the focus on human achievement is looked down upon too.
Not every non-JW is thrilled about the space program.
But as to attributing it to the devil? The WTS attributes everything outside its own organization to the devil as the ruler of this world. Man, that would mean McDonalds is of the devil.
Love, Blondie
homme perdu
The Truth Shall Make You Free...1943
Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic "heavens" than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes. Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic "heavens" than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes.
DAMM...That's what happens when I become a nasty POZTATE and didn't keep up with "New Light"™
WT & science: "if it don't mess with our precious belief system, it's a-okay."