I feel like a lightening bolt has just crashed down on this house. I taped the 'Sunday' programme and had promised it to our children to watch. Mr alw was watching it for the first time tonight and then we had an electrical blackout. To cut a long story short the tape is still in the machine and will not release. Ugh!!! I could scream - has anyone out there got a copy of the programme!!!! Perhaps we have been sent a deadly blow (lightening bolt) - I don't believe in anything like that but it makes you think - really scarey!!! It's really annoying as I was sure I recognised "Julie" and was hoping my daughter could verify my suspicions - if you are out there "Julie" we are thinking of you along with all the other victims. Help please ............alw
Taped "Sunday" show - tape screwed up in power cut!!!
by alw 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I wouldn't get too worried about the lightning bolt being god's wrath as surely, if there is a god the bolt would have been directed at that guy wingate and the wtbts in Sydney?
BlissisIgnorance taped it.
Black Sheep
If Hubby can't take the VCR apart and rescue the tape, take it to a repair shop and tell them your problem. It shouldn't have suffered much, if any, damage. You just have to take care not to damage it when you take it out.
Hey, what's happening???!!!! me too!
My VCR screwed up the tape!!!!!!!!!!
It must be the demons! Wicked apostates!!!
Commiserations alw
from ozzie
Feel a bit more 'normal' today - we cut the tape last night so I'm going to see if I can repair it and then try it!! Here's hoping - thanks for your replies - alw (the more calmer one now!!!)
I wonder where I got my over-reacting streak from?!!
Just an update - after the snip I sellotaped it back together and it works - thanks everyone - you should try it Ozzie - hope you are feeling okay!!! alw