(Apologies for splitting this post up, but I can’t seem to get my browser to allow me to post in paragraphs!) Since leaving jws I find I am much more willing to accept health care advice from the traditional scientific sources. I get a little twitch when I hear someone say ‘I read a book about that and So-and-So, the Doctor said…ya da ya da ya da (against traditionally accepted advice).’ I get an even bigger twitch when I hear someone accuse “the establishment” of deliberately misinforming the public and/or concealing information just to ‘keep profits up’. Have I become Establishment Girl just because I was denied that as a dub??
Milk, Vaccines, and Carbohydrates
by Kaethra 6 Replies latest jw friends
I ask because I have a couple of friends who are intelligent and educated (not to mention staunchly atheist) yet believe things that I consider somewhat bizarre. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate having someone say to me to read “The Research”, as to my mind that means: ‘read the biased pseudo-science that backs up my point of view.’ I guess I did that to people enough as a jw (see: the Creation book) and I can’t stand to have it done to me.
So, that brings me to the title of this thread. My above-mentioned friends are against all three. Notmilk.com is one of their bibles. They believe that vaccines have produced only bad effects. They thought the old jw point of view on vaccines was a point in their favour, which made me twitch big-time! As I understand their position, diseases that vaccines were supposed to help to eradicate were already on the decline when vaccines were introduced and vaccination actually resulted in a spike in cases of the disease once it was introduced. Additionally, vaccination has a negative impact on the recipient’s natural immunity. Lastly, carbohydrates are to be avoided. The real evil is low fat products! Don’t even mention “light” salad dressing or you’ll get a good tongue-lashing (and not in the fun way). This despite the fact that neither one of them can claim to have perfect health.
It’s not that I’m against alternative medicines or learning about nutrition. I am very much for both and always have been. I guess I have just become more bristly about accepting advice just because it goes against tradition. I’d like to hear others’ thoughts on this…in particular – what do you think of milk? vaccines? carbohydrates? ?
Yeah, because the blowhards publishing books aren't out to make money either right? Not only that but they have to continually come out with new "miracle diet" miracle "other concepts" because otherwise they will be lost on the bookshelf.
I suggest if they don't believe in vaccines they should just go ahead and fly to Africa for a couple of months with no shots and see if they change their minds.
Nutrition is important. Half of our issues are genetic....therefore fixed. The other half is diet, excercise and stress management. Notice how the Adkins diet is fading from view...it's an unsustainable diet. It may work short term but who wants to eat bacon 3 meals a day for 5 years?
I tell my patients....reduce your stress first and foremost. Secondarily excercise helps with stress and helps with depression and many other things. Thirdly...eat plenty of fruits & veggies...whole grains (not processed white flour) ... low fat / lean meats, nuts, soy etc. Not that difficult. You just can't eat lots of processed foods. -
Exactly evilforce! Sensible, traditional, scientifically-backed, and time-tested advice. That's what I believe in. Oh, did I mention they don't "believe in" psychology or anti-depressants either? (They are not scientologists though.) I like them so much, but I think they are somewhat conspiracy-minded...I can't go back to thinking that 'the World' is against me.
Think for yourself and listen to your heart. Sometimes it's easy to drift from one group of control freaks to another. Life isn't black and white or gray, there is a lot of color. Hopefully your new friends will be able to accept you unconditionally even if you don't agree with all their ideas and beliefs. I'm a health enthusiast and think that all things in moderation are appropriate. God put you here to enjoy life on this now beautiful earth, filled with beautiful people and good things. ENJOY!!!