Hey all I was chatting with a friend the other day he is baptized but basically a fader but his wife is still very much in the borg.Anyway we were talking bout the new way of announcing D\F and D\A. And he raised a really goo point. The fact that they now announce such and such is no longer a JW does that mean if that person wanted to back to the borg they would have to be baptized again to make them a JW???? I thought this was a good quest does anyone know what happens es
I have a question
by Es 8 Replies latest jw friends
That is a good question. Currently, I don't know. However when I was in (years and years ago!) when someone was reinstated they did not have to get rebaptized. However, I knew of one person who did to reaffirm their "faith" blah blah blah.
since you were baptized in "da troof" once they more than likely will not require you to get baptized again. Ephesians 4:5
yeah was just wondering the fact that they now mention no longer a JW then what is involved in becoming a JW again. Or would it just be the same as when they announced they were D\F or D\A do they just get reinstated. es
Hey Es:)
I have heard (in the past) that you if do get reinstated, that you can opt to be re-baptised), this would just be reaffirming your dedication, and isn't at all necessary. I'm sure there are probably some elders who would object to this. I'm surprised though that the WTBTS legal team have left this statement so open, it is rather ambiguous. frog x
on that whole new way to say you're out - my mother (madmax - hope you don't mind) is getting Her announcement tonight (Debbie is no longer a JW) Even this they should be careful of because if you are still a chrsitian and as many christians believe Jah is one of Gods' name & you beleive that he still works in your life....are you not still a witness of Jehovah.....
No you don't have to be rebaptized - once you're dunked that's it unless you want too..
I get the impression from the elders' manual the process is the same for DFd people wanting reinstatement...no re-baptism is necessary.
Freddie Franz once said baptism is not a denomonational affair, so it didnt matter which religion baptised you, as long as it was by full immersion. The only reason he was baptised whilst a JW was because his presbyterian baptism had been by sprinkling. Now they wouldnt have changed such biblical teaching, would they?
Thanks all for your responses es