How long are publisher records, and all other file materials kept on a person, and by whom? What gets sent to Corporate and how long are those records kept?
I was a publisher in good standing when I rapidly faded and my husband of the time, also a JW verbally threw out the MS and his wife that did an "encouragement" call on us in 1976. As a wife subject to her husband's authority I could do nothing about it. Not that I wanted to.
My query is in the attempt to prove or disprove that I was ever one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was baptized in 1971, at 14. Of course, my family, such as they are, know. Anyone from my original congregation knows. But my file was transferred to another congregation in another town in another state (across the river) when I got married, and I fell away shortly afterwards.
I have NO concerns about it, just curious with the DF/A letters that have surfaced.
Thank you!