Forget about all those dates friends--The world ended in 1914--Thats what Rusell said--He was the first slick slave class--So he must know--Did i miss some dates? There are so many i probably missed a few--I was in this nonsense for 32 years and i half way believed it--But i never believed it 100 percent--Thank God for Ray Franz---That guy was all class--I am at a point now that i dont know what to believe--But i know one thing--:"Never again will i fear MEN----Never again will i be a respector of MEN---I have seen all this little so called power grab called privleges--That is just a ticket for a man to walk around like a rooster---You all know how a rooster walks around the yard--When i used to get there on thursday night all 8 elders would be walking around shuffling paper like they do at the pentagon or the cia---A congreation of about 70 and all this paper work--Or was it all a showy display?It was a peivlege to clean the toilets--Can you imagine that? I used to go to clean the hall and it didnt even need cleaning--But one had to act like he was doing something--I used to hate getting dressed up for those 5 meetings--I now wear anything i want--I let my hair grow anyway i want--If i want a beard i grow it--No more fear of those Big elders--Those elders loved judical comittes--It meant they could now be like a lawyer and a judge--Power- Power--Thats what its all about--Thanks for letting me share--The Hag
The world will end in 1879-1914-1918-1925-1942-1975- I guess they gave up
by JohnHag 9 Replies latest jw friends
Um 1994 and the change in definition of "generation".
Hi JohnHag,
If i want a beard i grow it
LOL. This was one of my first manifestations of freedom too. :-). Isn't being a JW just plain silly. You can't grow a beard because this might stumble others. LOL.
(By the way - if you are using a web-browser other that IE and you want to have paragraphs in your post you need to check the Automatic Cr/Lf box at the pottom of the editting screen just before you sumbmit your post.) -
I don't know why they'd be arrogant enough to guess in the first place.
How many thieves in the night let you know when they're coming?
Establishing such dates is in itself unwise since it means trying to know the unknowable all christian religions expect the second coming of Christ but only the JWs thought they were smart enough to pinpoint dates, that was some arrogance when also considering that they had no theological education, they were just amateurs meddling in religious matters.
However it is smart in that they managed to set up a multi billion dollar business on this basis and gain overwhelming controlling influence over the lives of millions.
At the end of the day it is all about power and that's why there is no christian love among them since where the will to power predominates love vanishes. -
My opinion is, they have to have dates, because that is how they control the flock. They don't have a new one just yet, and are losing loads of followers. The W.T. has to keep the fear of the "end" in their (simple) minds, otherwise they lose control.
They willl have to come up with a new date soon, or keep losing their "sheep". That's where all the control comes from.
I think it's tonite!! There are thunderstorms, tornados, hail, and lightening around me.
I agree, hubert. They need dates or at least time frames in order to whip the R&F into a foaming fury of zeal and activity. It gives the dubs purpose and lights a fire in their bellies when they know the Big A is "coming soon". Brooklyn has learned to be more crafty, though. Can't come out and actually print anything concrete, just hint around, so they can back away from it later and blame further disappointments on those over zealous brothers and sisters who have foolishly
done what the WTS wanted them torun on ahead of mother. -
I guess you missed my topic on the Big A coming in 5 weeks - page 2821 I think. I had an old sister tell me it was coming very soon - I'm sure it's now about 4 weeks away..... hold onto yourselves.
absent without leave
my dad always says it's the time, whenever sth happens, e.g. when Bush attacked Iraq, when the pope died.. he watches news everyday in order to get to know that the A has already started. Is he blind or what?? maybe a prophet?