G'day. Owyergoin? Orright?
Well, it's sure been an 'interesting' weekend! I'm glad to see that arresting thread from Dogpatch - much to think about when you consider the dubious relationship of the WTS and UN, eh?
In fact, that should be dealt with a bit more - waddayareckon?
So our poll question for this weekend is:
Speaking about the 'library card' in the Kingdom Hall causes:1. Interest from the publishers.2. Interest from the elders.3. An invitation to meet in the back room.4. A deathly hush.5. The cold shoulder.6. A request for more details.7. A local needs talk.8. The circuit overseer comes to visit.9. A knock at the door.10. A subscription to the the "Guardian" newspaper.11. Other (please detail)
So what has been your experience? Did they believe it? What was the reaction?
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)