hey guys, after my post uni exam blues on Saturday morning (I was having a bad morning as it was) I walked out of building and who should I run into but one of the guys from the JD committee that ousted me back in May 03!...he was also my last b/study conductor. I've moved states, and a fair way from the cong I was in back then, but apparently this guy has also moved here and is studying law at MY university! ...since then (since Saturday) I have run into him on 2 seperate occassions, including when I jumped off the bus this morning coming to university grrrrrr. Anyway, I've decided not to run and hide, I'll just keep my head in the air, and if I'm good enough at it perhaps make him uncomfortable in the process. froglett
Ran into a guy from my JD the other day...
by Frog 7 Replies latest jw friends
Don't fear loser boy, froggie. He's just another screwed up dude with a massive supreiority complex. Dime a dozen. You, however, are special. Afterall, you had the brains to escape from a cult he's still trapped in. lol
Actually, with him studying law... hmmmmm.... ya think he got out too?
Then you could say, "Hi, Loser Boy! Congratulations on your escape!"
thanks jb:)...I agree, it's an unusual choice for a dub to study law? I have managed to establish that he is still very much in the org though. I gather he must be studying with a veiw of putting it to use in the borg?? It's a 5 year degree minimum, pretty long committment for a dub elder to make considering the end is just around the corner, or is it straight ahead these days?!?...I can't keep up;) froglett
Yeah, lol... Maybe they are training legal drones for the long fight they forsee because of all their abusive handling of us poor little sheepses. Think they'll put him on the Barbara Anderson case? Wherever he goes, I hope he gets a knot in his throat everytime he tries to say something in court, that or a bad case of diahrrea just as he was making his opening statement.
I can see it now, Judge, "Mr. Botches-a-lot-a-cases you may now make your opening statement." Mr. Botches-a-lot-a-cases, "Yes, I..." *stomach growls loudly and the impending explosion becomes unstoppable* "Your Honor, may I have a moment? New Light has just been brought to my attention which must be released, urm...I mean, taken into consideration." Judge, "Very well, Mr....Where do you think you are going??"
Mr. Botches-a-lot-a-cases runs from the room having yanked himself the mother of all wedgies in order to keep from losing it in the courtroom.
Okay, it's sick. But, you know what, visualizing these idiots in a compromising, embarrasing and ludicrious positions really knocks the crap out of their ability to make us fear them. One thing though, if he's really ugly, don't use the old "imagine them naked" trick. It can scar you for life.
Good to read that your exams are over Frog - you have done nothing wrong - enjoy your freedom and perhaps he might want some of what you have!!!! Enjoy!!! alw
thanks alwa:)) xx
OMG thats amazing heheh its almost like you can run but not hide from them es
Yes, no matter where we go after we leave, we are sure to run into JWs from the distant past. two years ago when I was employed as a clinical psychologist in the Department of Corrections, I had the delicious experience of having my office cleaned by a JW who, when I was first disfellowshipped several years beforehand, used to sniff the air in distaste as he passed me by. Now, employed by the Dept, he has to be courteous, smile and say "please" and "thank you" before entering my room. I normally would not make a fuss over this deferential requirement. But, his face is a picture of pain when he greets me - yes greets me! - and comes in to clean my office when I arrived early in the morning.