JW Ben answer me

by skyman 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skyman

    JW Ben what you are say that I can go hold the coat and let some one else get murdered. I am confused when the bible at At Duet. 14:21 it states “You must not eat any body [already] dead. To the alien resident you may give it, and he must eat it; or there may be a selling of it to a foreigner.” The Alien resident is you and ME representing the rest of mankind that Jehovah gave the command to at Gen: 9:4. Lev. 17:15 read “As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or a alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until evening; and he must be clean.” WOW why would he be gulity of only that If I had sex with my wife I would have been unclean untill evening, If I killed and butchered a chicken I was unclean until evening. Look here at what the bible how Jehovah reacted when the Soldiers of Saul disobeyed God’s law regarding blood. Remember they knew the command given to them on blood. [This was not the law given to the rest of mankind] At 1 Samuel 14: 31-35. “The people began darting greedily at the spoil…fell to eating along with the blood. Vs. 33...The people are sinning against Jehovah by eating along with the blood.” What happened to them? They were given a reprimand. They made atonement for their sin through sacrifices. Was it not the Law, that they were to be put to death? These men had proven their loyalty on many occasions. In their mind it was a life and death matter they were hungery their selfish hunger drove them to act greedily, so they did not take the time to properly give to God the blood [LIFE] back. As obvious the sin is here. Jehovah valued the Loyalty of the Soldiers from their past deeds. Jehovah shows he valued their life by not killing them.

    During my life I have heard talks from the platform discussing Num 11:31-35. Here it talks about quail being sent to the camp of Israel. From the talks, the brothers usually point out that the people broke the law on blood given to Noah, which is no doubt true. But what is of interest to me is the fact the Bible does not mention this apparent sin. It states that the Israelites were killed because of their greed. Why is there no mention of the sin of blood here? Could it be that the sin of greed is worse? I do not know! If I was to ask any JW’s what the worst sin was here was… they would say with out hesitation the sin of blood! The reason HE killed them is made clear at Num 11:34 it states “selfish craving”. If our answer was the sin of blood, it would not be in agreement with the mind of Jehovah. Have we really come to know Jehovah? Do we have the right to speak for him? We must come to know who this Jehovah is, and his thoughts are higher than ours.

    Look at Acts 15: 17-20. It clearly say’s “abstain from blood”. Lets take a closer look. First we have to recognize the fact that this statement was given in harmony with the older men of Jerusalem on their decision over circumcision. This was a volatile time in the first century church. If you look closely, you will notice the bible does not state that the Mosaic Law on blood was still binding. But the law of Noah was to be kept. “Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God,” Jehovah was not giving the nations a new command at Acts 15: The new converts came under the same law that had been in place for thousands of years they were to abstain from things polluted by idols, fornication from things strangled and blood. All of these laws were in effect before Jehovah gave Israel the Mosaic Law. Is this not the very reason we concluded that circumcision is not binding on us? Remember the Golden calf; remember Joseph and the wife of Potiphar remember the law on blood given to Noah? God did not ask anything more, than these necessary things to keep doing. Before any scriptures against thse sins and long before the Law convenant the last two about idol wordhip and fornication was a law given all of mankind because it was given prior to the Jewish convenant that is why in Acts 15: 17-20 the law given to the whole world was regiven to the new converts because it was not a law given to the nation of Isreal but to all of mankind. So when the Insight Book admits that there were two different Laws one for the JEW and one for the rest of the world the Law given to the Jew was not binding onto the new Christian Church only the law for the rest of the world. Notice Pual was only reinforcing the same law where Jehovah state at Duet. 14:21 were Jehovah had pinned the alien resident must eat it. That alian resident is you and me.

    We can see that the law Jehovah gave Noah was not equal to, or the same as, the law he gave to Israel. Under the Mosaic Law, blood was more restrictive for Israel than the rest of the earth. Defining the law on blood given to Israel, and making it apply to the rest of mankind is unworkable in the scriptures. Blood was uniquely used by the nation of Israel for atonement sacrifices. There are two different worlds here, the world under the Law of the Jews, plus the world that was not under the Law which we are today we are the rest of the world that was demand to eat it.

    We should always look for ourselves by studying the Scriptures to understand Jehovah’s thoughts. We cannot hide from Jehovah’s wrath. He will deal with anyone whom he wishes.I know Jehovah penned these scriptures sited here in this discussion. HE also penned, “Better is a live dog than a dead lion.” If I am wrong, I wish someone could explain these scriptures to me. I do not want to believe something that Jehovah does not teach. If I am right, that Jehovah really meant that these scriptures should be in the bible and somehow HE really meant for us to read them and understand them, are not the implications huge? Even the point that the Israelites could profit from the selling of an unbled animal makes huge implications for today. We as Jehovah's Witnesses cannot even use blood for fertilizer let alone profit from its use. Since the Jews could profit from unbled meat means today we could own stocks in the so-called blood subtitles like Polyheme and Biopure. Biopure is 100% cows blood that has been highly filtered. Polyheme is 100% human blood that has been highly filtered. Both of these are safe for all blood types and free of known risks. They are used to carry oxygen in the body. Both of these are OK to use according to the Society. Both however are 100% blood. Both have not been properly poured out on the ground. Both coagulate while waiting to be filtered. We are not allowed to store our own blood for later use because the Society say's it can't be allowed to coagulate. So auto-transfusion is in violation of the scriptures according to the Society. Hold it here!!! I can see a double standard, a big one. Even blood used for fractions have coagulated before the factions are taken out. Someone had to donate that blood. If we donated blood we would be disasociated by our actions. But we can use blood fractions that have been donated. We can are allowed use blood fractions from blood that has coagulated. It really does not make any sense to me, how we can say one applies, but the other does not. We have clear scriptures that shows what Jehovah's stand is on blood. Plus we violate our own law when it comes to fractions because blood can't coagulate and be used if you are a Jehovah's Witnesses. Now the Society say’s we can use the new blood substitutes like Polyheme and Biopure. I think that the bible is so clear. We are told to wait on Jehovah. But there again, the bible teaches that we are held accountable to him. We are taught that if we take our own life it is self-murder. If we contribute in any way to the death of someone else, we are blood guilty. For example, if our car needs brakes and we don’t fix them and someone is killed because of the brakes not working properly, then we are blood guilty. Our own record on blood shows that there are big problems when it come to the biblical stand and making it applies to the world today, or our stand would not be so confusing. Every brother I have talked to about our stand on blood has a different way of viewing it. Some will take fractions, some will not. Some will use blood recycler’s, some will not. If the scripture sited in this discussion are really in the Bible and I know they are, someone is in trouble. I have shared my thoughts with several Elders and none of them have disagreed we me. I have shared all of this and more with a C.O. and I swear to you he said he has know this for year then told me to wait on Jehovah. Why? Jehovah wrote his bible thousands of years ago he don't need us to wait he has allready told us.

    Jehovah is not about change. It has been clear in the scriptures the whole time. HE will demand the blood of the little ones back to HIM. Just like HE will demand the blood of the prophets back to HIM. If someone, causes the death of a person because of a command that did not originate from God. Then it is nothing short of murder. Jehovah always asks for that blood to be paid back by the person or person’s responsible .

  • Pistoff

    Nice post, skyman.

    But are you seriously suggesting that the "older men" in Jerusalem had in mind any other law except the Mosaic Law? There is no evidence that they thought of law in any other way than the Mosaic Law. They valued their heritage back to Moses; they stated that they were descendants of Moses. They traced their lineage. Why would they have taken this artificial overview look at an earlier law when they were discussing whether or not to keep circumcision? CIRCUMCISION was no part of any "pre-Mosaic" law. They were only concerned with the Law; it was the only thing being considered.

    Rereading the book of Acts shows that the elders in Jerusalem were in a tight spot. The jewish converts were reverting to or not willing to let go of their life long beliefs and wanted the new converts to christianity to follow them, in circumcision, blood, etc. They feared for Paul's life and convinced him to go to the temple with young men who had made vows under the jewish system of belief.

    The law on blood and idolatry was a CONCESSION. Even Paul, who BTW caved in to the pressure from the older men in Jerusalem in the matter of going to the temple with the young men who tithed, later said that idols are nothing; therefore food that is sacrificed to nothing is harmless.

    He told them NOT to inquire on account of their conscience.

    Blood was a dietary issue; that's it. It went the way of circumcision after a time, as the full extent of what Jesus really did finally sank in. He made the entire Jewish system obsolete. Just 2 laws, remember?

    Blood is lifesaving, that is for sure. If you don't listen to the WT, blood can save your life.

  • RichieRich

    Ever notice how every Dub conversation comes down to this? You can be talking about ANYTHING, and it comes back to circumcision. I still giggle.

  • skyman


    Thanks for your post. Circumcism was not given to the rest of the world it was given to Abraham and his linage. Your line off thought is right on target.

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