Hi there - has anything been discussed/announced on this book by the JW's - I know other religious groups have. I kind of think it backs up some JW beliefs that the church is built on ideas formulated by rome and not christ but that also it undermines the very basis of all christianity as well - i just imagined it being the type of book the elders would tell you not to read. I remember when i used to go, there where lots of things we should not read or become educated on.
The Da Vinci code
by sym 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
> ...I kind of think it backs up some JW beliefs that the church is built on ideas formulated by rome and not christ but that also it undermines the very basis of all christianity as well...
I think it backs up a whole lot of people's ideas that all is not as religious leaders of all types would have you believe since, um, since the beginnings of organized religion!
The book makes some interesting assertions. They don't have to be true. But they aren't necessarily false, either. What's wrong with Jesus being married? It wouldn't change anything he said or did as far as I'm concerned. Would it be a propblem for you?
I saw a show on (I think) the history channel where they opined that a 33 year old Jewish man to be unmarried was extremely unusual. Siring sons to carry on the name and all that stuff, it was almost a mandatory thing for Jewish men to get married. So Jesus not being married at 33 would have been very unusual.
Also, they said that Mary Magdelene was NOT a prostitute but was painted with that brush by the early (probably that damn Clement) church leaders to remove some of her significance/power. They couldn't have a woman holding power instead of only men! Unthinkable! They had to "dog" MM to knock her down a peg or two.
Is it proveable? Who knows? Does it make you stop and go "Hmmm..."? Oh yes it does. Interesting book, nonetheless, I just wished they hadn't made that old English scholar-guy like some "Professor James Bond." Lessened its credibility for me.
Robert -
I just saw the video release called The DeVinci Code uncoded.....or something like that. The history behind the order of the Knight's Templar got my attention and to me was way more interesting than all that speculation about Mary M being Jesus' wife etc. These guys were seriously dangerous people with great power and were historical figures of which too little is known. That video showed their connection to the Masonic Order too which immediately got my attention as the early history of the JW's was twisted in with that organization too. Their belief in a line of kings coming from the marriage of Jesus and Mary M. and the whole eerie sexual thing in their church windows being "goddess" or feminine depictions was too Babylonian for words. I know this topic is somewhat off what the rest of you have to say about that book, but has anyone else out there wondered if the foundation of the witness religion,( given what we know of the founding fathers beliefs also has it's roots in ancient occultism? I was a dub for 16 years and have been out decades, but I came away with disturbing questions about things I could sense but never find the answers to. The whole organization reeks of cultism as all of us have come to realise, more or less. But I have for a long time seen evidence of something worse going on. Friends and a family member seem to have come under some toxic spell that goes beyond simple cult explanations. Has anyone else had similar suspicions? I knew some good people in the org., but I also knew people who made me VERY uneasy...as if Something or Someone else was going on...eerie stuff. It's just TOO creepy that the JW religion had its start with men who believed in Great Pyramids and the Masons who claim ancient credentials going back to the Jewish Temple builders and God knows what other temples and cultures. I'm a firm believer in looking under the surface of things. My experience with the Borg taught me that, but I can't help but wonder if there is FAR more about that sick organization than even the most curious among us ever dreamed!
Let's not forget The DaVinci Code is a work of fiction. The front of the book lists the few things that are facts. The rest is fantasy. I laughed my head off when the history channel had the "Debunking DaVinci" documentary on....wow, debunking a work of fiction...big accomplishment.
There are a lot of well-researched books about the Templars that do make claims about the exaggerated/made up stories of Jesus and the Bible itself. I've read a few and it's really eye-opening. One book is called the Templar Revelation or something like that. I highly recommend it.
i've just bought it... welcome to the board sym, sweet avatar ;-))
Hi there,
You said:
"Let's not forget The DaVinci Code is a work of fiction. The front of the book lists the few things that are facts. The rest is fantasy. I laughed my head off when the history channel had the "Debunking DaVinci" documentary on....wow, debunking a work of fiction...big accomplishment."
I couldn't agree more. Imagine someone "debunking" Lord of the Rings. There is no Middle Earth!, Gondor doesn’t exist!" How silly.
Yet it is really hilarious what they find so offensive, Jesus was married and had children! How preposterous! Lies, lies, they scream. Yup, I mean it stand to reason and common logic that he walked on water, waked up dead people and performed all kinds of miracles, but I mean a guy getting married and having children? Come on, have you ever heard anything as absurd as that?
Norm -
Truth is the Holy Grail is just as a hot hunt as it was back in the daRK AGES. Then someone called Da Vinci did the last supper. Out of that was the Da Vinci code.
Yes..there are many as thousands are re-reading the Holy Grail as the Da Vinci code. Does this surprise me? Of course not. Any new idea dream or fantasy drives men and women to push forward. These people were called the Illuminati......masonry have, almost, the same goal.
Fantasy? Who knows......so why not the Da Vinci code?..It reads good.....
Thanks for the welcome clementine So does anyone now then what the JW's have had to say - i.e. have elders banned people from reading it ?
Welcome to the board.
I have read The Da Vinci Code and it was a terrific read. It does rather undermine the authenticity of the Bible. According to Dan Brown the Jehovah’s Witnesses have the Roman Catholic church to thank for the currently accepted version of the Bible.
Just imagine the Watchtower Society have based their whole concept of truth on a book compiled by a religion they call a harlot! This is a step forward because harlots are honest and deliver what they promise unlike the Watchtower Society.
A couple of things:
- How is the use of feminine symbology in church windows "Babylonian"?
- How does the idea of Jesus having a wife undermine Christianity and the Bible?
I genuinely fail to see how you can arrive at these (latter) conclusions from any of the material in "The Da Vinci Code".