So does this mean they are charitable afterall?

by catchthis 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • catchthis

    Was doing some searching today and came across this information: -- A permit was issued by the state of New Jersey to the WTBTS on Nov. 14, 2002 allowing them to set up a Charitable Gift Annuity. The way you can tell this is for a CGA is to go to the website's site map and then click on the Charitable Annuity Special Permits link. This opens up the pdf file above which lists the WTBTS as #193 as being a donor to the Saint Barnabas Foundation.

    The website of the Saint Barnabas Foundation has instructions on setting up a CGA here.

    The thought had crossed my mind of the WTBTS being a donor in a way that they would support the medical group if they were a no-blood facility --- possibly donating money if the hospital network managed the funds to purchase equipment used in treating patients with no-blood. Seeing that this permit was issued back in 2002, you would think that the site would have picked up on it if the hospital offered a blood conservation program. But the Saint Barnabas Health Care System is no where to be found.

    So is the WTBTS charitable afterall, or is there another reason I may be overlooking?

  • Elsewhere

    The WTS only does "charitable" things that directly or indirectly benefit JWs. The funds here appear to be intended to help JWs avoid using blood products.

    I'd like the see the WTS do something that puts non-JWs (and non-JW Studies) in a home or feeds them.

  • catchthis
    The funds here appear to be intended to help JWs avoid using blood products.

    I don't see that happening here. Care to point out where you saw that?

  • despairado

    I didn't see them charitable to those in the congregation either.

  • catchthis

    While I agree that the WTS is generally not charitable to those in the congregations, I just found it odd that they set up a CGA with a hospital -- one with a Saint's name no less!

    I scoured their hospital sites and could not find any mention of a bloodless program. And they are not listed on the's website. These two items tell me that they may have indeed broke their vow of not being charitable. The lack of responses thus far on a very busy afternoon also tells me that most folks don't want to hear about this type of news.

  • candidlynuts

    could it be that its set up to fund the hospital liason commitees? which i know are volunteers but they have to incur some expenses?

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