How does the car pool thing work with someone who is going for the first time? He claims it is with two guys. I have seen otherwise on many boards. Isn't this something he must do before being baptized? thanks, carla
car pool?
by carla 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't understand the question.
I don't understand the CarPool / Baptism connection.
Am I missing something here? -
Sorry, I'm so annoyed with him I'm not thinking straight. In door to door service, who decides who rides with who? Furthermore, he claims he will not be paired up with the single dubs, I have seen other posts which say otherwise. In order to get baptized, doesn't one have to do some door to door work first? carla
Growing up whoever was leading the little session usually made the assignments. For the ones that were the goody ones, they worked with the same ones all the time. Not good enough to be with the "troublemaker". My mom suffered with bad depression, so alot of times she'd pick a fight with dad and stay at home. That meant I had to take care of 3 sisters and a brother.
But, as far as the carpools, certain ones stayed together. Oh, and when I was in trouble I got stuck with a short, bald elder. (me and another girl taped the song "short people" to his front door!!)
Then what about his claim that they do not pair up males & females if not married?
Thats mostly true where Im from.
The girls dont really wanna work with guys and vice versa. Its not really a rule, I've worked in a car group with sisters before. Even alone. But I'd say 9 times out of 10 (proly more like 99 out of 100) The guys all pair up and the girls all pair up and often in different cars.
Now it may also be likely that the cargroup will have like 2 girls and 2 guys or some like mixture, but generally the guys are going to work with each other.
sounds like you arent comfy with him working with sisters? (or getting involved with the dubs) Then tell him so, he doesnt Have to work with any sisters. If its his first times out he will only work with the person studying with him
I think it must more of a guideline because I auxpio'd in a certain nameless congregation in California and was occasionally paired with the congregation hottie or his equally hot brother... licks her chops and reminisces upon those days of innocence.
What really struck me as different because they had already had an issue of 2 single persons who got naughty on the sly when they were supposed to be on the street...
You know who I refer to, don't you, Monkeyprincess....... -
Unless your partner has done a few months of door to door work then he will not be allowed to ask to take the questions which you do in the weeks before baptism.
He will be allowed to work with single or married sisters and brothers. There are usually 5 sisters to every brother in field service so it would be pretty much unavoidable not to work with sisters on the doors. As for the car thing, he would not be encouraged to be alone in a vehicle with a sister. I remember that when I was young and my dad was dropping bible studies home after meetings I would have to go as a chaperone. Gossip will commence quite quickly if any brother is seen in a car with any female (even if she is in her 80's) and he could expect to get counselled by the elders about it and disciplined.
Its this kind of weirdy repression - ie if you are ever alone for a second with the opposite sex the implication is you will succumb to immorality that actually makes lots of people succumb in the first place. It has taken me years to get used to being alone with male friends and not feeling like I am about to be pounced on or be the pouncee - you are taught to believe that you cannot control yourself sexually being alone with a member of the opposite sex. When circumstances force this to happen - lots of witnesses, who, cut off from the real, non-repressed, normal world, act has they have been programmed to believe they will, even if they don't really fancy the other person...but i'm kind of straying from the topic - although this is a warning as to the mentality within the borg. I know its true - I'm sure others here can back me up on this.
Hope this helps. Obviously congregations vary in their interpretation of watchtower counsel and the female to male ratio in the congregation.