Read anything crazy lately?

by Podiatrist 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Podiatrist

    As crazy as this perhaps ....

    BERLIN (Reuters) - A German city is rushing to install a series of drive-in wooden "sex garages" in time for next year's Soccer World Cup and an expected boom in the local sex trade, a city official said Wednesday.

    Dortmund, one of 12 cities to host World Cup matches, is anxious to keep prostitutes and their clients off the streets by providing them with discreet places to do business.

    Experts estimate as many as 40,000 prostitutes may travel to Germany to offer their services to fans during the tournament.

    "The World Cup has put us under added time pressure, as we don't want a situation where prostitutes and their clients disturb residential areas," the official said.

    Prostitution is legal in Germany in designated areas.

    "In Dortmund we have an official red light district on the outskirts, but there is a problem. There is not enough space for everyone to park."

    Dortmund plans to arrange the Dutch-designed huts, which have been introduced in the city of Cologne, another World Cup venue, in an area with condom machines and snack bar.

    "Men have to get used to them of course, but a high percentage accept them because they can protect their anonymity," the official said.

    "That said there will always be those who want to go behind a bush, under a bridge or into the woods."

  • iggy_the_fish

    It's always parking that's a problem right? Going to a game, going shopping, going for sex...

    Sounds like they're doing a sort of sex drive thru, could work?

    Driver: (winds window down) errr can I have a medium bonk and a banana flavoured condom please?

    Tannoy: You want fries with that?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Perhaps you could submit it to Awake magazine for the Watching the World section!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    "That said there will always be those who want to go behind a bush, under a bridge or into the woods."

    I suppose that is true..... LOL

  • DannyBloem

    what is so crazy here? Not more then normal I think......


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