Hey guys,
Mighty Mike here. Have not been here for some time but have been checking in here and there. Some of you may know that I had come aboard not too long ago to learn about the JW's and their core beliefs and also some deeper stuff.
I have listened to a lot of you and see so many ex JW's with well a lot to say. I have thought about this, and I know the dangers I guess we can call them of losing family and friends and so on.
Something came to mind as well. With so many of you out here, and with the knowledge of the organization you all have, would it not be reasonable to say that with a concentrated effort, kinda just like the JW org does, to take what you have and turn it against the organization, use it to well I suppose say shed some real light on the many lives trapped to gett them out?
I know you may say yeah right or in your dreams, but some food for thought, there seems to be a great potential for such a task. And who better then those who have been there.