Does anyone know the dates for the Ontario, Canada (probably Hamilton) District Assemblies? I can't wait to volunteer to be an ATTENDANT and contribute many RR Checks. Mary - I'm practicing the mumbling, as well as singing off key and a few words behind. After practicing, I think that's the way the songs were written.
Ontario, Canada District Conventions - what are the dates?
by lawrence 5 Replies latest jw friends
Not Hamilton, but there are two in Cornwall, Ont., that I know of, the first starting tomorrow.
Gee, I guess I could take a couple of hours and drive down the 401 to see if they will let me in.
Snicker ......
Will Power
hamilton is July 8-10
put a squirt flower in your lapel in case I make it there.
wp -
Is there another one in Hamilton after this weekend? Squirt flower in the lapel - priceless. Maybe the Groucho Marx look with a Da Judge cane and a few pizza boxes.
Yes I wish there was a convention at the SkyDome and then I go there and let the witnesses know that they are being duped.