The BIG question is exactly WHO are these 11 men running and controlling the watchtower in Brooklyn? No one ever really knows!!! As ever suspicious. Do they have names or are they protected????
The 11 top men - who are they?
by estrelasb 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Their names are known but their precise activities are are not well known eg who writes what in the their books and magazines and who draws up all the harmful rules that control the lives of so many R & F.
Well the 11 men in Brooklyn arent exactly a secret, I dont remember all their names, HOWEVER the 300 shareholders of the WT Society, now thats who I would like to find out more about, they are the ones that have done a good job in hiding their identities.
Oh, I thought this topic was asking for the top, hottest men. I was all ready to respond..."Gael Garcia Bernal...oouww, break me off a piece of dat"...then I clicked on the thread... oops.
True the share holders are not known and apart from that there could be more mysteries hiding behind the GB it would be interesting to know what they do with all the money they get from this org. and this is a very rich org. thanks to the slave workforce.
Sounds like a cool idea for a thread, chrissy. I don't know that guy you just named, though, so I'll have to look him up when I get home.
I can pretty much guarantee that the top 11 (60 to 90 year old) GB dudes would not be hot at all....not that I've met any of them or anything. LOL
who are the shareholders and what is thier function?
You know what's maddening?? These men who run the WTS are sooo keen on knowing everything about who wrote what, where and when in the bible hiding themselves behind the false humility known as anonymity! Hypocrites!
If there are shareholders of an incorporated company surely they have to file their accounts somewhere? In the UK all companies have to file company accounts with Companies House and anyone can go online and get a copy of the accounts, which gives a breakdown of what is done with all the money (I think you may have to pay for the download of accounts - I used to work for accountacy firm so we were registered to download any accounts we wanted).
But then if they are registered as a charity, surely there is some other body they have to be regulated by and report to?