now its in your face all the time tv

by sowhatnow 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sowhatnow

     So they dont have enough of the average JW'S time, now they want your relaxation time too. get into the houses and get on their tv, make them see the roku remote so they must be compelled to put on the  'channel'  its the channel for God! lol

     This would so be my mom,

    "if you want to watch tv kids,, you must watch the latest video from the governing body,"

    " oh but look, they got a new cartoon ooo"       barf barf.   I thought 'the wiggles' was bad,lol

    so now what are the wt people doing with all these videos? no more new light, its simply rehash the old old and put it on tv for all the new generation to see 'and lets make it fun', [pathetic]   i wont even watch those even to poke fun.

    is this all they do now in the 'secret' room? 


    Every Wednesday the GB meet. Somehow they unite to become "The FDS!!!" Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, isn't there a song about that? 

    So I guess the GB review ideas from "creative" ( all big Corporations have a creative department) and then Jesus tells them what cartoon to make. Yep, sounds perfectly logical. 😁


  • eyeuse2badub

    when the gb meet on Wednesday they close the doors and an awe inspiring, magnificent light fills the room imbuing all of them simultaneously with holy spirit. Then they tell jokes and swap stories about what prophetic dreams they had that will, of course, result in the much anticipated nu-lite that all jw's will readily swallow. After that, of course, a democratic vote is taken (majority rules) to see which theocratic nu-lite item is really from jehober and which is from the delusional dream of some old cogger with a boner for 'tight pants'.

    just saying!


  • sowhatnow

    pretty strong dinner wine that evening I suppose

  • Magnum

    At least Fred Franz holed himself up and studied the Scriptures and tried to make some sense of them. He at least appeared to be scholarly. He at least seemed to be serious and to really believe the end was coming soon.

    These guys today just come up with stupid cartoons and produce cheap, plastic-looking "TV". And it is too much "in your face" now. They don't seem to realize that the more they expose themselves on video and such, the more that some will realize how not special they are.

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "Every Wednesday the GB meet. Somehow they unite to become 'The FDS!!!'"

    Like Voltron.

    Magnum - "They don't seem to realize that the more they expose themselves on video and such, the more that some will realize how not special they are."

    Oh, I think they know...'s just too effective at helping those with doubts and misgivings to finally cross the fence and get 'em out of the Org's hair.

    And it's definately causing the loyalists to double-down on the emotional investment they make.

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