Restraint -

by hillary_step 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Hello Folks,

    There is much work taking place behind the scenes, away from this board, that relate to a number of issues that are presently of acute concern to the WTS. Some of these concerns are obvious, and are presently being dissected ‘ad nauseum’ on this Board this morning. Some less obvious. What I can say is that there are people working within the WTS in a ‘dissident’ capacity, in very difficult circumstances to aid in the public exposure of these very concerns. Some have been helping in this capacity from ‘within’ for some years and could be at risk of losing their anonymity.

    I would beg on behalf of these persons that some restraint be shown in the discussion of these subjects where sensitive information is publicized and people are tempted to divulge information that is best kept confidential for the time being.

    Please be aware that these Boards are trawled by WTS Legal who are obviously very keen on knowing the future tactics of their enemies. They might be provided with exactly the information that they might need on this very venue. It is very tempting to load our emotional pain into our cannons and fire at every target that deserves a blast but perhaps the desired effect is more adequately achieved with a scalpel and a gentle cut at the right moment. We would not want to shoot ourselves in the foot.

    I wish you all my very best - Hillary Step

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Hillary,
    IMHO, the WTS legal eagles cannot stop the flow of truth about the BORG that will be their downfall. The BUCK will STOP THERE, right at WTS headquarters regardless of what they know about opposers actions. The information that they work so hard to control will slap them right in the face. What will they do, DF or DA everyone? They know that numbers are their greatest asset. These numbers are dwindling as we speak here on this board.
    The flow of info is the greatest threat to the continued destructio of lives by the WTS. Anyone lurking or posting here realizes that only the most basic info is released here on this board.
    I say, "continue speaking the truth about the 'troof', w/o fear!!!"


  • Moxy

    welcome back hillary, id been wondering how things were going with you. hope you're getting along ok.


  • riz

    Yes, hillary, welcome back. Long time no see.


  • Kent

    [hi hillary_step[/b]

    Please be aware that these Boards are trawled by WTS Legal who are obviously very keen on knowing the future tactics of their enemies. They might be provided with exactly the information that they might need on this very venue.

    I do agree with that, and "strategic information" shouldn't be given away. On the other hand, the reason some may do give such crucial information - is the fact they got it in the first place!

    Personally I believe it's important to be careful with giving away "war plans", and everything should be done to prevent the legal departmet and the money-laundrers there to get any info they would need for a certain case.

    On the other hand - some cases has been discussed high and low - but I can't see there has been THAT much VITAL info being spread. I do agree we have to be EXTREMELY careful not to give the assholes in the Witchpower any hints who are the ones working on the inside. On the other hand, they have been doing a witch-hunt for a long time, and they would get a lot to do if someone "leaked" the WRONG information, right?

    They can never know, you know - and why not give them a lot to do? This is normal procedure in government agencies, spread lots of info that is NOT correct - when it's getting hot one other place.


    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • bboyneko

    Kent said this on another post but I felt it was relevant here:

    But on this board - everything which is said or written are monitored from the Watchtower - as they monitor my site and quite a few others as well. Randy Watters' site is one example - and silentlambs site. We would be fools if we believe ANYTHING could be said here without the assholes in Crooklyn knowing about it. And the trolls on the site, and lurkers, try their best to do their job for "Jehovah" by telling what's up.

    Personally I like that. I enjoy the fact that the old farts are starting to sweat! I enjoy the fact they can see the truth about the Witchpower being exposed. And I do my best to expose them myself.

    Yes we are playing a dangerous game of cloak and dagger. We are the enemy to them and they are the enemy to us, so we spy on each other. We read their literature and they read ours. (the Rank anf ile are not allowed to however)

  • hillary_step

    Mox & Rix ( sounds like a vaudeville act! ),

    I am in good form and thank you both so much for your enquiry, I hope that you are both in pleasent spirit also. I can see from the healthy state of your fur Mox that you have been taking good care of yourself!

    As ever - charmed by your whiskers -- HS

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